School, storm in the Azzolina: “Reopen for two weeks? Nonsense”


The Minister of Education Lucia azzolina He is in a remote meeting with the mayors of metropolitan cities about reopening schools. And with the video call still ongoing, the various political forces went crazy. At the center of the controversy, the hypothesis that all students return to the classroom as of December 9. Francesco Giro from Forza Italia says: “Has no sense”. “The opening of schools in December is an urban legend for us. I heard it on television.”, repeats the president of Veneto Luca zaia during the daily press point on the Covid emergency. “I am not against the school in presence, but the scientific documentation tells us that the largest clusters come from children who go to school: asymptomatic have very high viral loads”.

The Conte-Azzolina shaft for reopening

Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, interviewed on La7, had already set the reopening of the school before Christmas. Now, the return to face-to-face teaching is one of the topics discussed in the meeting between the prime minister and the heads of delegation of the majority forces. In addition to being, at the same time, the focus of the virtual meeting between Azzolina and the mayors of the main metropolitan cities most exposed to the risk of contagion and the public transport hub, such as Rome, Naples, Milan, Bari together with the coordinator of the Committee Scientific Technician Agostino Miozzo. And the date would already be on the table. On Wednesday, December 9, even junior and senior high school students and high school students could go back to school. A proposal being examined by the technicians and awaiting new epidemiological data that seems to have almost convinced even the ultra-prudent Minister of Health. Roberto Speranza: “Schools are an absolute priority for the country and I believe that at this time we must commit ourselves, be consistent with the rules that we have set to keep them open.“On the other hand, Prime Minister Conte is more unbalanced on this point.”The school they attended – he says in Palma de Mallorca during the joint press conference with the Spanish Prime Minister Sánchez – should reopen as soon as possible, as soon as the curve of the epidemic allows.“.

The opposition nails the plan

Pushing for a quick return to class would be above all the M5S, with Minister Lucia Azzolina at the helm, and Italy alive. While the Democratic Party would remain very skeptical. In short, the majority of Giallorossi is also divided on the school subject. Not only. Even the political forces of the opposition are resisting the minister’s plan. The blue senator was very tough Francesco Giro that underlines it. “Reopen schools on December 9 and close on 23? It seems silly to me. But it is the emblem of the zigzagging government. To say, as I read, that young people are better off going to school than to shopping malls is another nonsense. As if all young people were idiots. And then I have never shared the rhetoric of the always open schools. We saw how it ended“.

The Governor of Veneto’s comment is pragmatic Luca zaia which liquidates the hypothesis by reopening in unequivocal terms: “The opening of schools in December is an urban legend for us. I heard it on television. I am not against school in presence, but scientific documentation tells us that the most impressive groups come from children who go to school: asymptomatic they have very high viral loadsAnd the Venetian president does not spare the minister a couple of dances: “If you decide to open schools, there is an issue related to transportation and other priorities. All things that need to be addressed with the government. We cannot postpone the discussion to the press conference or to direct Facebook ”. Even the president of the Forza Italia senators Anna Maria Bernini centers the transport node, already patched by the government with the reopening in September: “But, beyond announcements and controversies, there is not a general increase in trips in local public transport, nor are agreements being signed with individuals to provide additional means at peak hours, nor with private schools to guarantee double shifts and schedules. differentiated lessons. It is certainly easier to reject government action in the future, but in school, as in transportation and health, the time for postponements has expired.“.
