On Monday, more than six months after the last face-to-face lessons, schools in most Italian regions will reopen, with the implementation of the guidelines and protocols decided by the government in recent weeks, after months of concerns and related discussions. with coronavirus pandemic. However, the lessons will not resume on Monday throughout Italy: in Friuli Venezia Giulia they will resume on Wednesday, in Sardinia on Tuesday 22 September and in Puglia, Calabria, Basilicata, Abruzzo and Campania only on Wednesday 24 (the Governor of Campania , Vincenzo De Luca, actually, said of not even being sure of this date). The lessons had already started again last week in the province of Bolzano.
But criticism and warnings have been building up for days, indicating that a large number of schools are not really ready to start over. The problems are many: one of the best known is that most of the single-seater benches to facilitate physical distancing wanted by the Ministry of Education, and bought and distributed by the extraordinary commissioner Domenico Arcuri, have not yet arrived. It is unclear how many of the 2.5 million planned positions have already been delivered, but we are on the order of a few thousand and we know that deliveries will continue at least through October. Meanwhile, schools will have to organize themselves differently.
– Read also: School will start without the new desks
Instead, Arcuri assured that by Monday tens of millions of masks will arrive in all schools to be delivered to students, who must wear them at all times except when they are sitting at the desk. In recent days there had been a number of complaints from local administrators and institutions complaining that they had not yet received them. On Saturday, the Minister of Education Azzolina specified that students and teachers who wish to do so may always retain them, and not only when they are not at the desk or in the chair as required by the guidelines.
But the problems are not only of equipment: one of the biggest is that there are still many substitutes to be named. To some extent this is normal, and it depends on the fact that in Italy, and especially in certain regions and for certain subjects, thousands of permanent teachers are lacking and the classifications from which to draw have been running out for some time, because they are not updated with new contests. As always, there have been long delays and errors in the compilation and publication of the rankings, which in many cases have not yet been completed. In the first days of classes, therefore, part of the substitutes will not yet have been designated by the Territorial Directorates of Schools, which will be in charge of the lessons started.
– Read also: All (or almost) about the reopening of schools
“We cannot imagine the school being exactly like last year. The important thing at this point is to go back to the classroom. We will have to give up something, but even in the last few years it was not a perfect school, “Azzolina said Saturday speaking at an online event of the Corriere della Sera.
It also confirmed one of the most discussed aspects of the protocols decided by the government, which establishes that the temperature in students is measured in students by their parents, at home, and not at the entrance to the school. In an interview with Republic, The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, explained the reason: if a student goes to school by bus or public transport, it is important that they stay home in case of fever, so the temperature must be controlled before arriving at the school.
As for the rest of the guidelines, one of the points on which the government and the regions had most discussed was the maximum capacity of public transport: initially the protocols established that it was around 50 percent, but local administrators considered it unsustainable. because it would have required an excessive expansion of the transmission network. Finally, the government agreed that buses could be fully filled for trips of less than 15 minutes, and only 80 percent for longer trips. The mask and, where possible, the spacing will obviously be required.
Regarding the protocol to follow in case a student manifests symptoms compatible with COVID-19, the government has decided that if it occurs at school, the student should be isolated and sent home as soon as possible, accompanied by their parents. If it happens at home, you don’t have to go to school. If, on the other hand, a student tests positive, he will be isolated for 14 days for his close contacts and, therefore, for the whole class.
On September 20 and 21, thousands of schools across Italy will be used as seats for administrative elections in Veneto, Liguria, Tuscany, Marche, Campania and Puglia, and for the constitutional referendum. It means that schools will open and close immediately afterwards for a few days: on Monday the 21st, when the voting will take place, but probably also on Tuesday for voting, and perhaps also on Wednesday for the cleaning of the premises.