School: it changes again from next week from the prime minister Giuseppe Conte seems to be working on a new DPCM that will be released next weekend.
Gives today, October 21, the school changes with the new DPCM rules, October 18 Recently approved and in force, but the indications are directed only to secondary schools and to specify it in a note on Monday sent to school leaders is also the Minister of Education Lucia azzolina.
So let’s see that changes at school starting next week, then insisting on rules effective today for high school.

School: this is how it changes starting next week
The school changes again starting next week and we try to understand how based on the first rumors about the new DPCM that should arrive. before October 25.
Nothing is certain yet, but it seems that the new rules will once again affect the secondary students as reported The impression.
The crux of the matter concerns once again transport public where the means to limit infections should be lightened. The goal is to create gods double entry and exit shifts from school.
Admission to school may change for high school students starting next week with the schedule change. at 10 or even at 11. The entry and exit would be staggered. This would only change for high school kids, those who have from 14 years above, that they are independent of their parents. They could also be thought of afternoon shifts.
These solutions for the school, which changes from week to week, DPCM after DPCM, the government and the Miur should have found them and could have found them even before the beginning of the school year. The situation of congested vehicles coupled with the resumption of the school, especially in the big cities, was in fact quite predictable.

School: what changes from today
And if the school changes again from next week, rumors that only the official text of the new DPCM will eventually be able to confirm it, let’s see what happens today for secondary schools.
The Miur note specifies what the Decree of the Prime Minister of October 18 already provides. The didactic and educational activity of the first cycle of education and educational services for children continues to develop in an ordinary way in compliance with established standards. Nothing changes for children in kindergarten, elementary and middle school.
Only with communication to the Miur by Regions, Municipalities or health authorities of critical contagion situations in specific territorial contexts, secondary schools can adopt flexible ways of teaching. The one who is present can, in fact, from today, when necessary, alternate with the integrated digital teaching.
The entry and exit times of students from the school may also be modulated through the possible use of afternoon shifts and provided that the entry does not occur before 9:00 am in any case.
The note from the Ministry of Education confirms the provisions of the DPCM for the school or that the meetings Collegiate bodies can take place in person or remotely, also based on the possibility of guaranteeing physical distancing between the participants.
The same applies to the renewal of the collegiate bodies themselves, which can also take place remotely in compliance with the principles of secrecy and freedom to participate in elections.
The school changes this week, and will change next week as well, presumably with the new DPCM. The Ministry of Education, however, specifies that as of today October 21 the legislation for secondary schools “It is of a general nature and makes express reference to” specific territorial contexts “; therefore, it does not make a peremptory decision to modify the existing one in the absence of declared states of criticality or danger. Where territorial situations, also thanks to the concerted work during the summer months, have proven to work, it is not necessary to change anything at this time, without prejudice to the critical situations that will be exposed and addressed in the regional tables ”.