
CNPS press release – The school started with many uncovered chairs, in some schools in the province of Milan, the missing staff is even around 50%.
Not only the precarious see the beginning of the school without any stabilization on the horizon, but they are also extremely obliged to wait for the call through the Provincial Ranking that takes time to arrive.
There is talk of 115.00 applications and a huge number of vacant and available chairs of which no specific data is known to date. With such a premise, how can we guarantee a safe return? How can the province of Milan historically among the best known in terms of the number of temporary workers start with an underestimated workforce? Who guarantees the short-term didactic continuity, safety and surveillance of students? For these reasons, today at 10:00 in via Soderini 24, the CPSA (Precarious Coordination of the Autoconvocati school and the CNPS (National Coordination of Precarious Schools) have called a garrison to gather the precarious workers of the school and obtain answers From the competent offices in the field of Recruitment After the presidium, a delegation was received by the Director of the school’s territorial office in Milan, Marco Bussetti, and by three collaborators.
Many issues were addressed, including the lack of stabilization that could have avoided the chaos of the lack of professors in the chair, as was to be expected. The delegation of professors announced that it will continue to be a hot autumn and that it considers it essential that the province of Milan take a stand against this serious lack of professors in the chair with important consequences for the didactic continuity and the safety of the students.
Regarding the calls, the territorial representatives asked for their conclusion by the end of September, they reported the difficulties in handling the GPS, due to the many errors present in the 115,700 requests received, in addition to the approximately 3,000 requests for rectification that arrived last week . The delegation of precarious workers requested a clear image in terms of times and methods of convocation and proposed mediation.
The responses received were:
– For the weekend the data of the available chairs and vacancies for the year 2020-2021 (at the moment we only have the data of those of the legal staff, it was reported that by Thursday 17 those of the de facto staff should be available ).
– Proceed as of September 23 with a horizontal call starting from the primary child’s GPS both in support and in common place and continue with the secondary one. This would allow teachers to have a clear idea of their ranking with respect to the availability of vacancies in schools.
On the other hand, regarding the method of convocation, although the delegation of teachers has requested the convocation in presence or remotely with a platform, the management of the school office reported that it is not possible in presence both due to the issue of security as well as the impossibility of managing such a high number of candidates even from a remote platform, so we will proceed with the SIGEKO management system, aware that the latter could also generate problems and slow down calls.
The delegation agreed to be updated and to receive communications on the matter.
CPSA – Precarious coordination of the Autoconvocati school
CNPS – National Coordination of Precarious Schools