After the decision of the Tar of Bari that suspended the regional ordinance with which Governor Michele Emiliano had established the cessation of face-to-face classes at the school, many teachers ask the President of the Region to stay “everyone at home” and “Continue with distance education “.
School, primary and secondary schools reopen in Puglia, but there is the option of dad. Emiliano: “Presence without commitment”
by Antonello Cassano

The appeal comes in the comments to the post with which Emiliano specifies on Facebook that he did not reopen the schools but that he had to accept the decree that the TAR issued yesterday and after that from today the lessons can be restarted in the presence of the schools primary and middle. .
Emiliano: “Distance lessons are guaranteed, I have not reopened the schools but only accepted the decree of the Tar”

The ordinance issued yesterday by the Region after the pronouncement of the Tar, however, allows students who request it the opportunity to continue in Papá. A possibility that many teachers like. “Good president – writes a ‘specialized’ teacher – with fewer children in school I feel more secure.”
Q&A: Back to School (with Dad’s Option) Here’s How It Will Work
by Silvia Dipinto

“There could not be a better option,” adds a colleague of hers while another high school teacher writes that “Dad works well and applying it in a pandemic seems the least to me.” Other professors, then, ask Emiliano to give the possibility “to the professors whether to perform the father or to be present: their health – they argue – is no less important, they are not doctors or red cross.