With schools primary underwater due to bad weather, some early Campania they dared to propose to do lesson from home with the infamous distance learning (Father) adopted in high school. The teachers’ unions responded in a compact way: Never. By contract, dad just clicks on the case pandemic. Rain not included in the agreement, such as hail, the locust invasion and the fall of asteroids. And so if it rains, the teachers don’t have to. to work And it’s unclear why they should do it from home – kids and parents do it right.
I would not want to go through a follower uncritical from dad (anyone who has helped a child untangle passcodes without success and feeling very silly about it knows what I mean). And of course you don’t have to to abuse of the opportunities that technology offers, at least until we have trained teachers to exploit them. In addition to obvious that, if the bad weather soaking schools and roads to reach them, the first responsible are the administrators locals. But ai unions the school asks for a little effort elasticity and of generosity. We ask to be equal to the teachers who in an amazing year have many times done much more than yours should. Let me dream of a Dopovirus Italy in which many corporations People in this country no longer react to all the news saying it can’t be done, but let’s do it better.
December 11, 2020, 06:59 – modified on December 11, 2020 | 07:00