Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte offers the press conference at the end of the year organized by the National Council of the Order of Journalists in collaboration with the Parliamentary Press Association.
The prime minister also talks about the school and, in particular, about teachers’ salaries: “My salary as a university professor was much more modest than in other countries. On salaries we intervene with 400 million for the contact of the public sector and with 850 million annually in the Budget law as a bonus so that doctors and nurses are recognized as of January 1, 2021. For teachers, salaries are not high, something else will have to be done. . But we are working to improve the quality of teaching: the Multi-Year Plan is being enabled with 25 thousand support teachers, it will be in favor of students with disabilities. This is a great signal that we are giving to the sector a school that traditionally on this front is not up to the highest standards in the Western world ”.
LIVE | From the government verification to the Recovery Plan through school and work, Conte’s words at the press conference [VIDEO]
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Schools reopening January 7, Conte: “Back to classes at least 50% with flexible hours and security for students, teachers and Ata”