They have one or more deficiencies on their report card and must necessarily make up for them, but many do not know how and when they will take place. courses with their teachers. There are also those who are prepared for online lessons and those who, on the other hand, will have to wait for the start of the school. In all, there are about half a million children who will have to fix a bad grade, an unattended shortage between desks or a sad legacy left by online education. Inevitably the distance lessons, which lasted with great difficulty from March to June, were not easy to follow and for many children some topics were lost. And now we have to roll up our sleeves. But few students returned to classes yesterday morning for remedial courses in attendance.
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In fact, September 1 was the big reopening day: after 6 months of closure, with the teaching block in attendance, the school staff returned to the institutes. Not all teachers, of course, but some do. They returned to begin planning lessons, arranging schedules, and organizing teachers’ colleges. It is necessary to review the classrooms and indicate the safety paths, necessary to prevent the flow of students from gathering. But many schools are still looking for new additional spaces and are waiting for the new furniture. All of this now takes place in a race against time to reach the start date on time – September 14. Although it will not be the same for everyone, given that the front of the Regions that want to postpone the first campaign by moving it after election day is growing. A slip seen as a shot in the arm even to fix what is not yet ready.
And then in this chaos, the remedial courses start to stumble, only when possible and mostly in online mode. At the historic Mamiani Classical Secondary School in Rome, face-to-face lessons begin today, taking advantage of the largest classrooms the institute can count on. And yesterday the boys from the Avogadro Technical Institute in Turin returned to their desks to attend the courses. But these are exceptions. There are also those, like the Giulio Cesare classical high school in Rome, who will do the lessons for the learning plans partly in person and partly remotely. Many times it depends on the number of children involved: in small groups of 5 students, it is easier to do it in presence. But if it is necessary to involve the whole class, to recover topics that have been omitted with distance education, the situation becomes complicated. And for schools it is easier to adopt the online mode, taking advantage of the platform that students already know.
Not all of them were able to organize in time, especially since in the middle of the fight againstCOVID-19, we must deal with the subway and with the constructive interventions that were necessary to expand the available space. Thus, for example, at the Savoy-Benincasa Institute in Ancona, where remedial courses have been started for students of the scientific baccalaureate, the linguistic baccalaureate and the technical institute, but only online, for all. For this reason, the majority decided to wait for the face-to-face courses: most of them will take place after the start of classes, from the end of September. They will also take place in the morning, to harmonize the review with the new topics, involving everyone present. Whenever possible, in a manner compatible with the schedule distorted by anti-Covid measures, evening returns can also be organized but these are measures to be reviewed, once all classes have regularly returned to attendance.
Uncertainty about the future of the courses affects half of the students who have to recover: according to a survey by Skuola.net, the portal dedicated to students, almost 1 in 2 children has not yet received information from their school about the start date and methods of conduct. She hopes to know how she will get back to books and will probably have to wait until the beginning of the school year in attendance. The other half, on the other hand, that is, those children who have already received instructions from the school on how the courses will be carried out, are already turning the computer on again: in almost 6 out of 10 cases, in fact, they will also proceed with lessons to distance. In mixed mode or online only. And then there school, with recovery, it starts again from where it stopped: at a distance.
Last update: 00:37