The resumption of primary and secondary schools has been confirmed since January 7. For secondary schools, Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia must reopen on January 31. Controversy arises between the M5s and some regions. “Continue to postpone the reopening date of schools, postpone the return of our students, as many regional presidents are doing, following very specific agreements on tracing and LPTs taken in December no longer acceptable. On December 23, agreements were made between the government and the regions, drawn up in black and white, which must be respected. “Thus the exponents of the 5-Star Movement in the Senate Education Commission.” All the more reason – the M5S senators reason – because data from the Istituto Superiore di Sanità tell us that attending school environments does not represent an amplifier of infections, and that if strict rules are followed as the school community has been doing for months, reopening is not only possible but obedient. Also from the coordination carried out by Minister Lamorgese with the network of prefectures, an SI emerged after the reopening, based on shared organizational models. On the other hand, the regions received 150 million euros more, in addition to the more than 300 already received in the summer, for what are the needs of local public transport in relation to schools. At this point, everyone assumes their responsibilities. Regional presidents must clearly communicate to their constituents what they have done to date to guarantee the constitutional right to study and education of students in their territory. Distance learning and integrated teaching can accompany face-to-face teaching, but they no longer replace it. Do not waste any more time: the school must reopen and more delays and postponements due to someone’s disability are no longer admissible, ”conclude the exponents of the 5 Star Movement in the Senate Education Committee.
In Veneto high school closings continue through January 31. This was announced to journalists by regional president Luca Zaia, who signed an ordinance to that effect. “It does not seem prudent to us,” added Zaia, “in an epidemiological situation in Italy to reopen schools. This is what we must do today for the good of the community.”
The President of the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia, Massimiliano Fedriga, “has imagined an ordinance that transfers the return to class of secondary school children after January 31”. This was announced by the regional education counselor, Alessia Rosolen. “Obviously,” he added, “there are possibilities of intervening between now and January 31, depending on how the epidemiological curve is going to change in the coming weeks.”
“The Valle d’Aosta is set to open secondary schools on January 7, the decision of a postponement would be very serious “. Luciano Caveri, councilor of education of the Alpine region declares it to ANSA.” We have the security conditions to be able to do it – he explains – if other Regions believe that they cannot open, they can establish the postponement autonomously with their own ordinances; But if Rome decided differently for all of us, we would find ourselves faced with a fait accompli that would greatly concern us ”.
Tuscany is ready to go back to school too. “We will be a minority but we are convinced that the relationship with teachers and students is fundamental, therefore, also thanks to the fact that we can afford it with data, in Tuscany on January 7 we started again with the upper secondary schools “. Thus the president of the Tuscany Region Eugenio Giani. In Tuscany, schools will be restarted “according to the instructions of the ordinance of the Minister of Health Speranza, or 50%” of the teaching in presence, “if then the epidemiological data worsens we will return to the father exclusively”.
Schools in CampaniaInstead, they will reopen on Monday, January 11, when kindergarten students and the first two elementary school classes will be able to return to class, exactly as it was before closing for Christmas holidays. It is the result of the meeting of the Crisis Unit of the Region that evaluated the epidemiological data in relation to the possibility of a return in presence; tomorrow there will be an ordinance. As of January 18, the possibility of returning to full primary school will be evaluated from a general epidemiological point of view, and from January 25 to lower and upper secondary school.
The question is not to reopen the schools, but to check if the conditions are there and then to stick with this decision. The secretary of the Scientific technical committee, Fabio Ciciliano, in an interview with InBlu Radio, the CEI’s Catholic radio station. “The most important thing – said Ciciliano – is not so much to reopen the schools but to try to keep them open. Risk reopening schools and then have to close them in about ten days or two weeks. It is something that the country cannot Allow because it would be the proven testimony that the numbers are increasing. “ for ISS at school, contagion is low. In the period from August 31 to December 27, 2020, 3,173 outbreaks were detected in the school setting, which is equivalent to 2% of the total outbreaks reported nationwide.
The CGIL calls for the convening of a national table. “The health of staff and students must be protected. We request the immediate convocation of a national table “, before January 7,” to monitor the situation and evaluate the necessary measures. ” This is how it reads in a joint note of the national CGIL and the FLC-CGIL on the reopening of schools, in which it is noted that “we have always requested their reopening in presence, with the necessary health and safety safeguards.” “Currently – the note continues – we are faced with very different contexts and realities, not only between territory and territory, but also between school and school, so flexible monitoring and tools are needed to give adequate responses to the variety of situations , enhancing the autonomy of educational institutions and providing the necessary resources. “Therefore, CGIL and FLC ask that there be” the most appropriate responses, also in terms of time, for the necessary reopening. The school – they observe – will only be able to reopen if the security conditions are guaranteed “.
The Uil “He considers the reopening of schools as of next January 7 wrong”: so says Secretary General Pierpaolo Bombardieri. “The epidemiological data continue to be very worrying and the next decisions of the Government, which seem aimed at continuing in line with the anti-Covid restrictions, require consistent elections also on the school front,” he continues, arguing that “the general organizational conditions to restart in teaching safety in presence “. “We would not like an ideological position to prevail now” and, therefore, he continues, “it would be good to wait a few more weeks.”
Meanwhile, the TAR asks the government for a “report” to clarify the scientific evidence that led to the imposition of the use of the mask during school hours for children between 6 and 11 years old.