School, new Esperanza circular: certificate and double buffer to return if positive – La Stampa


The Ministry of Health summarizes the guidelines for the school in case of Coronavirus positivity for students and school operators. If the test is positive – we read – for the return it will be necessary to perform, as required by current criteria, two swabs (molecular biology test) at a distance of 24 hours from each other with a simultaneous double negative, the pupil or the operator of the school – explains the circular – will return to the school with proof of recovery and authorization to enter or return to the community. If an illness other than COVID-19 is diagnosed, the person will stay home until clinical recovery.

In the circular, the Ministry clarifies that “suspicious case” means that in which: “a) a student has an increase in body temperature above 37.5 ° C or symptoms compatible with Covid-19, in the school environment ; b) case in which a student presents an increase in body temperature above 37.5 ° C or symptoms compatible with Covid-19, at home; c) case in which a school operator presents an increase in body temperature above 37.5 ° C or symptoms compatible with Covid-19, in the school environment; d) case in which a school operator presents an increase in body temperature above 37.5 ° C or symptoms compatible with Covid-19, at your home “.

Pediatricians: “It is correct that the swab is opportune”
The Ministry of Health circular on the management of Covid at school “shows what pediatricians have been saying out loud for weeks: a child with at least one of the symptoms of Covid must be subjected to a swab.” This is how the president of the Italian Federation of Pediatricians (Fimp), Paolo Biasci, comments on the ministry’s circular issued today. “The document – observes Biasci – does not refer to the number of days, but the indication is to do it ‘punctually’, as soon as possible”. There is no news, therefore, but there is greater clarity: “The circular does nothing more than better specify what the ISS establishes in the document on the management of Covid outbreaks in schools. I noticed that in the first part all are specified The legal references, as one highlight that all the Regions have approved it and therefore must adopt it in this way The document does not take into consideration other decrees, such as Azzolina’s last August that recommended the certificate after three days of absence in the 0-6 year range. Iss is the only one you can trust. ” But what should the parents of the positive child’s classmates do? “He will be the ASL contact person who will report to the head of the prevention department who will decide on quarantine and swabs,” explains Biasci who is holding back the personal initiative dictated by panic. For the pediatrician, the only possible way to distinguish a trivial flu from the coronavirus is the only possible way. However, at the same time “we need a commitment of resources in the area for investments in test centers, laboratories and personnel.” In short, demand will increase dramatically and we cannot think of meeting it with today’s numbers. “The parents are angry and they are right. They do not know what to do, they are waiting for a phone call from the Local Health Authority to do a swab, but the times are getting longer.”

The principles: “But the problem of absences remains”
The president of the National Association of Deans, Antonello Giannelli also agrees: “The Ministry of Health finally sheds light on a complex issue on which there was no uniformity of opinions. The circular standardizes the health procedures related to cases of illness and clarifies how the medical certifications to be presented to the school must be carried out, both in the case that the student or employee has had Covid as if they have not had it. In the first case, Giannelli emphasizes, you have to wait for the swab to be negative and follow the procedures provided for Covid. In the second case – he continues – the cure of the non-Covid pathology must be expected and there will be evidence of the cure, both in the case of positive and negative Covid. “Does this circular reassure the school world?” Only partially – Giannelli answers: because the problem of absences remains open so the family does not provide medical reasons. Basically, the school does not know how to behave with those students who are absent and then return to school without saying what happened ”.
