School, national demonstration on September 26 in Rome | Unions: “Protest to denounce delays and uncertainties”


The unions explain, in a joint note, that the delays and uncertainties “may endanger the reopening in presence and security, the main objective of the union action carried out in the prolonged emergency phase.”

The unions recall that “since last spring, they identified priorities and needs for the restart, indicated solutions and requested investments in personnel, spaces, services related to the right to education such as, for example, transport and dining rooms, considering priority the investment in professional resources that the school especially needs The mobilization and proposal, from the strike of June 8 to the participation in the drafting of security protocols, have characterized the unitary union action of these months; similar commitment and assumption of responsibility by the government and the Ministry of Education ”.

“But the country – they say – cannot afford to restart with a lower training offer, due to delays and insufficient resources. We need a change of direction in public policies, which are directed decisively in support of development through options focused on strong investment in strategic sectors, starting with education and training, essential factors for strengthening the democratic fabric and the recovery of the country. The crisis caused by the pandemic makes a radical change in the socio-economic-political paradigm even more essential , whose knowledge has the task of guiding in the direction of an active citizenry, understood as the ability to participate in transformation processes, having as a basis of action the values ​​of democracy, ecological sustainability and peace ”.

In the opinion of the unions, “urgent measures are needed to immediately guarantee everyone the right to education, work, health and, at the same time, investments for the readjustment of the public educational system, to raise the levels of knowledge, strengthen and expand the right to education and training; it is time to take courageous decisions to combat inequalities, dispersion and precariousness, allocating a substantial part of the funds of the ‘next generation of the EU’, the so-called recovery fund, to places where the ‘next generations’ will have to grow and train ”.

“The square of September 26 will see us together with workers, with students, families, citizens, to affirm and defend our idea of ​​school, constitutional body and pillar of democracy, in whose empowerment the credibility and future of the whole country ”, conclude Francesco Sinopoli (CGIL), Maddalena Gissi (CISL), Pino Turi (Uil), Elvira Serafini (Snals) and Rino di Meglio (Gilda).
