School, Ministry vs. Region: “The order must be withdrawn.” Emiliano: “It is urgent”


“The Ministry of Education is receiving numerous reports from the Apulian school community and families showing confusion and disorientation regarding some of the contents of the ordinance issued by the Region and the sentences of different posters of the administrative judge of Apulia in the In the next few hours, as part of the exercise of the usual canons of loyal cooperation between institutions, the Ministry of Education will formalize a request for withdrawal or revision of the regional ordinance that takes into account the provisions, with great clarity, of the Dpcm of last November 3 for the areas called ‘orange’, including Puglia, to protect the right to education of Puglia students, school autonomy, as well as the underlying principles of the National Education System “. This is stated in a note from the Ministry of Education.

“The objective is to avoid an unsustainable conflict between schools and families, fueled by indications that incite unilateral elections by the latter on the activation of distance education. A modality that runs the risk of constituting an interruption of that dialogue and that investigation. of shared solutions on which the school community itself has always relied, as well as of transforming education into an on-demand service, which it is not and cannot be, especially in the compulsory sphere. Saying so is the Constitution, which provides for an indiscriminate and dangerous regionalization of the educational system. ”

“Then there is the need – continues Viale Trastevere – to preserve the autonomy of educational institutions from interventions of dubious legitimacy and consistency provided for by the ordinance. The exchange of all the data that motivated the regional decision will also be required, together with a report on the interventions carried out by the competent health and local authorities for an adequate general organization of the new school year, in accordance with the indications contained in the so-called School Plan, also approved in June by the Regions, including Puglia. Report that must also contain an indication precise of the initiatives put in place to ensure efficient ways of organizing local transport in relation to the needs of reopening schools, the use of allocated resources and current planning activities with a view to the future back to school, including for high school students and students “. Meanwhile, the Ministry recalls that “this year more than 510 million euros have already been allocated to schools in Puglia, including construction funds and emergency resources, and it does so in response to the words spoken by President Michele Emiliano in the one against the school system and, in particular, the Ministry itself, accused of not having sufficiently prepared for the restart and for the possible use of digital education, including distance education. Words that do not do justice to the great work done so far from teachers, school administrators, school staff, everything, including officials and administrators from the Ministry and the Regional School Office of Puglia, who this summer worked tirelessly for a safe return and also to prepare the system school for possible return to digital distance education “. To attest to this commitment – the note continues – “there are not only the numerous regional meetings that took place in recent months, but also all the documentation prepared, including the guidelines for integrated digital teaching that was delivered to schools already in August and in order to be able to use it, in a complementary way, from September, in secondary education institutions, both to face a possible return to distance education ”.

“The Ministry is supervising the expenses related to the funds for light construction by the local authorities. In Puglia, to date 61.94% of the allocated resources of the total have been spent. Regarding the resources for rentals , rentals and adaptation of spaces, only 42% of the local authorities that benefit from the Puglia Region that have been authorized have activated the rental and rental contracts to date to guarantee the distancing imposed by the Covid emergency The preparation of the system school has been long and has been accompanied by significant funds. The Ministry supports schools and supports families, male and female students, to guarantee to each and everyone the fundamental right to education, to be protected also against any form of possible arbitrariness ”, concludes the ministry.

But President Michele Emiliano responds: “How can a minister announce with a press release, without anticipating reasons, a request for modification or withdrawal of an urgent measure issued by a regional president with great suffering and respect for the school world with the the sole purpose of preventing new infections? In the public administration we act by acts. ”The ordinance is defined by Emiliano as” necessary and urgent “and based on the high” number of infected students, teachers, school personnel and their families and quarantined , which has led to a situation of high epidemiological risk. We are talking about thousands of people. “The Apulian Region – adds the governor – is sure that it has fulfilled its duty of collaboration with the Apulian school in all possible ways and will continue to do so forever. And although it does not agree with the tone and content of the minister’s note, I will do my best not to argue, but to collaborate to ensure the protection of Apulian students, teachers, school personnel and families. In addition, according to Emiliano “the Ministry has chosen to provide all the resources mentioned in the press release, such as digital teaching, for light construction interventions or for the rental of additional spaces, directly to School Institutions, Municipalities and Provinces without provide any planning or coordination role for the Region. “Regarding the provisions for extraordinary maintenance provided for in the Regional School Building Plan – Emiliano responds – there is, for the moment, no delay attributable to the Region, these funds have been assigned to the local authorities. ”“ To give the signal of our constant proximity to the school of Apulia – continues – I quote for the whole case of the great school Nervi, Fermi, Cassandro di Barletta, which had presented damage to the supporting structures such as to not allow the start of the school year for more than 1800 students: the Puglia Region and, in particular, the President, in exercise of the powers of protec civil association, intervened carrying out the consolidation works in less than two months, investing 4 million euros belonging to the Puglia Region (replacing the Ministry of Education) “.
