School January 18 in attendance for high school boys, the hypothesis of the unions


Although President Conte continues to embrace the Azzolina line when he returns to classes on January 7, the unions seem to be moving in unison when they propose the possibility of a postponement reopening of schools with greater security on January 18, at least for the high school kids. Primary and secondary schools, on the other hand, have returned to attend as of January 7, according to government plans.

Gives Pino Turi, secretary of the Uil school, a Elvira Serafini, head of Snals; but also Maddalena Gissi, leader of the CISL School me Marcello Pacifico, President of Anief, all asked to wait a few more weeks to decide, to be able to evaluate the epidemiological data and be able to make a more informed decision.

Many governors also say they are concerned about the reopening of the high school, considering it more prudent to wait for the result of the monitoring on January 8. In the link article we referred to the perplexity of nine regions that would prefer to implement a more rigorous line by extending the DA for high school for another two weeks.

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Immunizations and back to school

A few days ago the medical director of the Inmi Spallanzani in Rome also spoke on the subject, Francesco Vaia, stating: “It would be prudent to wait at least the second half of January to see the results of the measures for this period. I believe that, in any case, these times should be of vigilant waiting. “

And about vaccines he insisted: “We must take advantage of these days to be able to take actions to open schools with greater security. In addition to improving transportation and common area safety, today could mean being able to vaccinate teaching and non-teaching school staff to create the most immune environment possible. “
