School, it’s decided: only 50% are back in the classroom


The date of January 7 is true (or almost) in all Italy, so at least he wants the agreement between regions, if realities like Campania do not disappear. But now the number of high school students who will be able to return to the classroom is shaking. 50% and nothing more, explains the Ministry of the Interior, recognizing Minister Speranza’s order, despite the fact that there are realities, such as Emilia-Romagna and Tuscany, with the mayor of Florence, ready for a return of 75%. And in fact, yesterday during the end of the year press conference, Prime Minister Conte himself reiterated that the government wants to restart “at least 50%”. A matter of adverbs, of course. But that reveals how current political tensions discharge on the school.

In fact, it is to immediately smash the ball. Gabriele Toccafondi, leader of the Italia Viva group in the Chamber’s Culture Committee. “Does Prime Minister Conte” hope “that secondary schools will be able to resume teaching on January 7 in the presence of at least 50%? These are words that arouse astonishment. On December 3, Conte signed a Dpcm in which he did not it was expected, but it was established that 75% of the students would return to class on January 7 ”, he concludes.

But let’s rewind the tape. It was already in things when the agreement was signed on December 23 between all the ministries involved, the Regions and the local authorities: the superiors will start again in the presence in the middle. The details are deferred to an order from the Ministry of Health that arrives the next day. It goes like this: secondary schools adopt flexible forms in the organization of teaching “so that from January 7 to January 15, teaching activities are guaranteed in the presence of 50% of the student population. The rest of the activity is taught through of integrated digital teaching “. In short, you cannot go below.

But you can’t even go up. The Viminale defines it explicitly on December 28 with a circular that recognizes the order of Hope: “It is specified that the 50% percentage represents a fixed element, in the sense that the resumption of face-to-face teaching cannot exceed this limit in the time frame defined by the same ordinance, or from January 7 to 15. Without exceptions, in short, the strictest line passes, which Minister Luciana Lamorge leaves explicit after the prefects have closed the transport tables for let the school restart.

On the same day, the note from the head of the Department of Education reaches the school offices and, therefore, the directors. Marco Bruschi. He almost apologized: “I know that some of you have already reformulated in accordance with the ordinance to adopt, until January 15, participation in classroom teaching at 50%. I remember that they are non-derogable provisions. The precious work that all that has done to meet 75% is, in fact, postponed. “

Nobody wants to get burned at school or even keep the match in hand. The position of the Minister of Education Lucia azzolina It is clear, he fought for the recovery in the presence of 75%, he achieved it in the last Dpcm, but then he had to back down: we started at 50% and then we reached 75.

He is your colleague Roberto Speranza, which has always been the voice of the rigorous wing, to define the procedures and Minister Lamorgese to clarify: it is forbidden to go beyond this ceiling. While the minister Paola De Micheli (transport) parades: “All organizational models” in school and in transport “they must be ready for the institutes to open with an attendance of 75% as of January 7,” he told Raiuno yesterday, adding that this is “the goal set with Ministers Azzolina and Lamorgese.”

Meanwhile, he explained, “Minister Speranza made a health ordinance, which has nothing to do with organizational models, and decided for health reasons that from 7 to 15 the presence will be 50% and not yet 75%.” Regarding transportation, the presence will remain at 50%: 75% at school, 50% on the bus is a goal. “

An effective summary is from the mayor of Florence. Darius Nardella: “Italian politicians are playing face to face with two and a half million children. I appeal to everyone’s sense of responsibility, from the national government to the Region: January 7 is a great day of rebirth for there to be maximum effort to allow the children to go back to school. ” Nardella insists on the point: “I hope that the percentage of students does not drop to 50%. We in Florence with the Metropolitan City have equipped ourselves to guarantee a plan to restart at 75% attendance. The Government does not disappoint us, but above all everything does not disappoint the kids ”.

The former prime minister intervenes in the debate on the parties involved Romano Prodi: “I am very concerned about the ‘jump’ of the school year. school you not only learn, but also pasta. We must do everything possible to be able to return to school unsafety”.

Meanwhile, the Regions have closed re-entry plans. Piedmont focuses on monitoring and testing for teachers and students, Emilia Romagna has improved transportation and Friuli has done so too. Campania won’t even be 50% successful, for now. Veneto slows down with Zaia: “The opening of secondary schools at 50% is good, but it can be done if the conditions are right and the evaluation will have to be established by the prevention department. If the conditions did not exist, it would be better to wait just a moment “. Even the councilor for health of the Lazio Region, Alessio D’Amato, asks for caution.

School, the five scenarios to return to class in Milan: “Everything in dad with more than 300 new infections a day”

by Salvo Intravaia

Again we proceed in no particular order. Despite the agreement reached on December 23: reopening all together as of January 7. The minister reiterates this in an interview with Corriere Francesco Boccia referring to the case of Campania: “The agreement was approved unanimously, if De Luca changes the calendar he will deny himself in addition to harming his school community.”

And despite the fact that in the meantime the green light of the Scientific Technical Committee for the reopening has arrived. The coordinator Agostino Miozzo quotes a study by the ECDC (European Center for Disease Prevention and Control) and explains to Radio Capital: “It says that the school is not a risk area, the risks of spreading the pandemic are absolutely irrelevant. I do not see insurmountable problems for the reopening of schools. Certainly there are organizational difficulties in some areas, such as transportation and the hiring of staff in hours longer than planned, but these are aspects that can be solved, and there is every will to solve them “.

The weak point is always the same: transportation. And the prefects who coordinated the tables at the local level know this well. In fact, the national directors association, with Antonello Giannelli, warns: “The resumption of January 7, especially with regard to secondary schools, presents several critical problems. The main problem is the lack or insufficient reorganization of transport that is forcing the prefects to ask schools to carry out shifts on schedule. In addition to greater involvement of school administrators in the election of prefectural tables, we call for a larger gradual increase in the percentage of students who attend: just one week at 50% is too limited a time that will not allow to the schools to reorganize the schedule for the umpteenth time. “
