School: it is a clash between unions and Azzolina in rankings – Chronicle


The tension between the school unions and Minister Lucía Azzolina is once again high. Battlegrounds for another wrestling are the alternate rankings (GPS) that this year for the first time have been completely digitized. More than 753,000 applicants have applied to enroll in the rankings from July 22 to August 6, for a total of almost two million applications since teachers could enroll in various competition classes. To light the fuse was the partial publication of the rankings by the local offices from which, according to the unions, “obvious errors in the scores” and a chaos arose that heralded countless appeals.

And so the 5 main unions in the sector (Flc Cgil, Cisl Scuola, Uil Scuola Rua, Snals Confsal and Gilda Unams) wrote a telegram to Minister Azzolina, which is an “act of mass, delay and warning”, to ask not to use the Digitized rankings and revert to old charts. Azzolina responded immediately: “It is silly to speak of chaos” given that “there are very few reports” and “all are in the process of resolution,” he said, guaranteeing that the appointments of the alternates will be made before September 14, according to what settled down. Precisely, in the Minister’s opinion, the novelty of digitization “will allow faster appointments” and has “allowed, when evaluating the applications submitted, to immediately detect any anomaly and nullity.” “All applications have been evaluated and have led to the exclusion – stressed Azzolina – of almost 40 thousand applications that presented anomalies” and it has “allowed, for example, to more quickly identify the declaration of non-existent values ​​by some applicants as collateral”. of all those who, on the other hand, have correctly presented their application “.

To speak of chaos for the minister is, therefore, “unfounded, spurious and misleading” and would mean “ignoring the effort made by the staff” and “postponing the modernization of a system that lived by twentysomething rules”, Just the precarious (National Teachers Committee Precarios) today made their voice heard with a demonstration in Piazza Montecitorio to ask for “teachers in the chair in September”, “safe opening” of the school and to reaffirm, as it is written on the posters that hung around their necks, “no I am a disposable teacher. ” On the security front, Health Minister Roberto Speranza reassures him: Italy is “the only country in Europe and the world – he argued – that will make 11 million masks available to students and school personnel” specifying that it is from surgical masks and remembering that they are mandatory “in dynamic moments”. but not when you’re at the counter.

“All the minutes of the Scientific Technical Committee will be published very soon. The line of government has been a line of maximum transparency from the beginning and we are working precisely so that these minutes, where there is absolutely nothing that cannot be disclosed. to public opinion, it can be published. “

“In the last hours the contract between the European Commission and Astrazeneca has been finalized”, in which “it is written that the first doses, if the safety of the vaccine is confirmed, will already be available at the end of 2020”. This was stated, confirming what was announced in the past, by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, during the briefing in the Senate on anti-Covid measures. “We are talking about a candidate vaccine, so we need all the caution of the case, but in this contract,” he said. As for the role of Italy, it was precisely “the alliance with France, Germany and the Netherlands that allowed us to push the EU towards a strong acceleration regarding the possibility of having a vaccine as soon as possible”.

Opening postponed for the students of Basilicata: for them, like most of the southern regions, the new school year will begin on 24 September. Decision made official by the president of the Region Vito Bardi after a meeting with the unions. The president of the Liguria region, Giovanni Toti, took the opposite decision, who decided to respond no to the appeal of the Order of Doctors of Liguria, which requested a postponement of the start of the lessons for 10 days. Meanwhile, the entrance exams to the Faculty of Medicine will take place tomorrow. And for the candidates who will not be able to support them because in fiduciary isolation, the Minister of University and Research Gaetano Manfredi specified: “This is a very delicate issue from a legal point of view. It is in the attention of the Government, we are evaluating all the options. Tomorrow we will test for most of the boys, then we will evaluate these particular situations ”.
