The children of the doctors, nurses, pharmacists, health workers, but also those of captains, policemen, drivers of local public transport, employees of social services, food trade or basic needs have the right to attend school. Until now, few had noticed, but five lines of the note dated November 5 the Head of the Department of the Ministry of Education, Marco Bruschi, opens a scenario hitherto unknown in Italy: education in daddy’s time to the children of essential workers. And in particular all students who are in a Region considered red zone and attend from the seventh grade onwards (and therefore must do distance education).
In the Dpcm signed by the Prime Minister on November 3, this prerogative is not mentioned, but rather the communication sent by Viale TrastevereTwo days later, it became clear to the school administrators: “In the context of specific, expressed and motivated requests, attention must be paid to students who are children of health personnel (doctors, nurses, Oss, Osa .. .), directly involved in containing the pandemic in terms of care and assistance to the sick and staff employed in other essential public services, so that all measures aimed at attending school in presence, also based on their age ”.
An integration decidedly desired by the Minister of Education Lucia azzolina who agreed with the Prime Minister on the novelty that significantly changes the lives of those who are committed to defeating the coronavirus.
A provision issued by Bruschi that, however, does not appear to have been implemented yet by the families involved and by the schools. Thanks to the fact that it didn’t get much publicity from the government; that not even the unions have “publicized” it; to date it seems they are very few people who have used the provided standard.
The Ministry of Education these days is conducting a check through the questionnaires administered to school leaders understand how many children of health workers and essential workers attend school despite the fact that their class is at home doing online lessons A follow-up that has not yet been completed and that only in a few days will be able to give us an exact picture of the situation .
This is a true revolution in the educational system. Until now in Italy this possibility had occurred in South tyrol: Face-to-face teaching was only guaranteed, upon request, for children of parents with objective problems to leave their children at home to follow the online lessons. These include employees in the medical, nursing or social services sector, in the food or basic needs trade, in the police, relief organizations or in the Civil Protection sector, pharmacies or parapharmacies, in the sector. of local public transport, pedagogical staff, teachers. Not only. Also at the “Leonardo da Vinci” secondary school in Cesenatico, the principal Massino Della Valle, gave the children of doctors and nurses the opportunity to continue attending school.