School, in Apulia at a distance “as a precaution” until January 15. But check the presence on demand


Puglia changes the perspective of schools. From distance learning on demand for elementary and secondary schools, we move on to presence on demand. At least for a week. “In Puglia, schools of all levels, from primary to secondary, will be in Ddi, Integrated Digital Education, until Friday, January 15, 2021. This choice is based on epidemiological reasons and the mitigation of the risk of contagion. The evolution of the Infection Curve and the Rt index is not clear. We do not yet know what effects on infections there are after the holiday period. Furthermore, in light of the data provided by the prevention departments, it is evident that the virus circulates and he has not loosened his vice. ” With these premises, the governor of Apulia Michele Emiliano issues a new announced school ordinance. But mitigated compared to what was initially expected.

School, Puglia towards postponement of face-to-face lessons for all. Emiliano: “The priority is to protect public health”

The ordinance will be in force for a limited period of time, so it is provisional and precautionary, waiting for the control room of the Ministry of Health to clarify the real level of danger. As you know, last night the Government changed some of the criteria for yellow-orange-red zoning, making them more rigorous and evaluating a situation of risk so worrying as to require such a measure. The choice of integrated digital education also meets the requests of all the union representatives of the school that for the first time, unanimously expressed their opinion on the matter. There remains the possibility for special needs and other situations of need to request face-to-face teaching in the manner provided by the ordinance ”. That is what the president declares. The order then consists of three points.

  1. The First Cycle School Institutions (Primary and Baccalaureate), except as provided in point 2, adopt flexible forms of teaching activity so that 100% of school activities are carried out in integrated digital mode (DDI), always guaranteeing the possibility to carry out face-to-face activities for the use of laboratories if the legal system so provides, or to maintain an educational relationship that achieves the effective school inclusion of students with disabilities and special educational needs, guaranteeing in any case the online connection with the students of the class that are in integrated digital teaching.
  2. The same first cycle school institutions (primary and high school), as part of the alliance of the School-family relationship, must guarantee teaching activity in the presence instead of integrated digital teaching, for all students whose families request it expressly for your children; this election is exercised only once and during the entire term of this ordinance.
  3. Second grade secondary schools, as well as CPIAs, adopt flexible forms in the organization of teaching activities in accordance with articles 4 and 5 of the decree of the President of the Republic of March 8, 1999, n. 275, so that 100 percent of the activities are carried out through the use of integrated digital teaching. The possibility of carrying out face-to-face activities is always guaranteed if it is necessary to use laboratories or maintain an educational relationship that achieves the effective school inclusion of students with disabilities and special educational needs, in accordance with the provisions of the decree of the Ministry of Education. instruction no. 89 of August 7, 2020, and by order of the Minister of Education n. 134 of October 9, 2020, while ensuring the online connection with the students in the class who are in integrated digital teaching.
  4. The School Institutions must communicate, every Monday of the week, to the Regional Office of the School and the Department of Health, through the procedure prepared on the platform, the number of students and the number of positive covid-19 or quarantined school personnel, as well as all measures to suspend teaching activities adopted due to the Covid emergency.
