“We have worked hard to reopen the schools: this year will take place in a new and difficult context that will challenge the entire Italian system. But thanks to our work, the school year will start as it should.” This was stated by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte at a press conference at Palazzo Chigi.
“Italian families should not hesitate: we have done everything possible to give the children the best and to give a new start to school,” said the prime minister.
“There will be some changes, some new rules will be added to the usual ones. Going back to class is a safe return and it is and will be the beacon of this government.”
“A quarantine of the entire class could be triggered – he warned – in the worst case scenario: there may be difficulties, but I invite you to respect the rules and face this year with confidence. This year we go back to school, in presence ”.
“On the school – Conte said – we have made an investment of 7 billion: for the reopening there is a great team effort. I have to thank Ministers Azzolina, Speranza, De Micheli, Boccia, Commissioner Arcuri, Borrelli and all the representatives of the regions and local authorities. “
“We have reconciled – he stressed – security and efficiency. There will be a staggered schedule to avoid gatherings, this will be decided by the school directors, the schools already have sufficient quantities of gels and masks to face the first days. We have arranged the delivery of 11 million. of free surgical masks for students and staff. “
“In just two months we have found 2.5 million new desktops. Some of these desks have already been distributed, we will continue throughout the month of September. The delivery program will end in October ”.
“We are going to invest in the school, we do not want more chicken coop classes,” he said in another passage of his speech.
“I call on the main protagonists of the challenge: our children. I am writing to you to thank you, it was you who paid the highest price for this emergency. The closed school, distance education was a huge burden. the technology at his disposal has not been able to compensate for the resignation that he has been called upon to do, ”said the Prime Minister.