In a school in the city of Palermo, a school was closed on time, with all its complexes, because a case of positive swab was found inside the Institute.
All faculty meetings in person
In this school, the teachers who work there report, the beginning of the course meetings were all held in presence, until the teachers convened for 9:00 a.m. on September 14, 2020, which should also have taken place in presence, but it was postponed to the afternoon of the same day with remote mode.
The director closes all the complexes
On the afternoon of Sunday, September 13, the rector of the aforementioned Palermo school, very concerned and precautionary, warns all his collaborators that a school worker has tested positive for hyssop to detect Coronavirus infection. The DS immediately ordered the urgent closure of all school complexes, through the school’s DSGA they activated the remote work of the Administrators and decided to keep all the school collaborators at home, except for one collaborator who received the task of opening a plexus to allow the workers of a company to enter to introduce work machinery.
The director has decided to close all the complexes until further notice and, in particular, until all the facilities have been cleaned up.
The teaching staff is not canceled
The Director who had already called the Board of Professors for September 14 did not cancel the meeting, but changed the way it was held and its starting time. This College then took place remotely and in the afternoon instead of face to face and in the morning.
Will everyone have to do a swab?
Faced with the unfortunate case that affected this school in Palermo, even before the start of the lessons, the question we ask ourselves is the following: “Has the ASP been contacted to learn the conclusions of the case? But above all, will swabs be made to all Ata teachers and staff who have had contact with the positive worker in recent days?
Emergency even before starting
As they say, if a good day starts in the morning, the situation of the reopening of schools is not rosy at all. There are already cases of emergency before the start of the lessons, perhaps also because the meetings in presence have been passed.