School chaos, the government defies the Cirio ordinance: battle against the Tar – La Stampa


Surprised, really not: he had taken that into account. Bitter, maybe. Surely Alberto Cirio pulls straight. And this, despite the fact that the government, through Ministers Azzolina and Speranza, has questioned the regional ordinance that provides for self-certification of student temperature control by families and verification by schools.

After the attempts of moral persuasion by the ministers Boccia, Speranza and Azzolina herself, who the president rejected the sender, they went from Rome to the facts. One of the passages of the appeal is curious: «The mechanism provided by the ordinance establishes that when it is not“ self-certified ”, the temperature measurement by families is the responsibility of the school. The effect of this measure can easily be translated in the first place into a strong lack of responsibility of the families, who will be encouraged not to carry out the measurement in order not to declare themselves – also for possible profiles of personal responsibility – in the certainty that both the operation will take out in the school complex. “

The Region did not waste time either, entrusting Professor Vittorio Barosio, one of the leading experts in administrative law, with the task of defending it. Second movement: Cirio has already asked for and obtained from the TAR the possibility of explaining the regional government’s reasons, before the decision, through a report that will be presented tonight. One point in favor of the governor.

The only certainty is that at this time the ordinance is in effect. “We will defend the reasons for a measure that wants to better protect school personnel and children, integrating government regulations and introducing an additional control mechanism – explains Cirio -. It is a reinforcement ». No change, except obligation: «We believe that we are right, by the ends and by the means. In addition, today our ordinance is applied in all schools without particular problems. And in the first two days, hot spot swabs exceed 350 cases, proving that children with fevers are a real problem. We must show that we have learned in the most critical months, children can be a dangerous vehicle for grandparents and for the most fragile categories. In fact, the school world is getting ahead of the ministry. In short: continue. “Piemontesi bogianen”, as the governor had reiterated on Monday: in the sense that they do not back down. Net of the calls of the government, which has already addressed the “Riparti Piemonte” law for weeks and the privileged scores reserved for local companies. We’ll see … Cirio interrupts.

Controversy is inevitable. “With great contempt for the ridiculous and senseless of risk, the minister in charge of wheelchair benches is harassed against one of the few common sense measures,” attacks the League. The opposition parties have a different opinion. Marco Grimaldi, Luv: «Bogianen? Rather, Cirio does not play bòcia, he seeks a confrontation with the ministers, but governing is not a game. Raffaele Gallo, Pd: «Another misstep by Cirio’s board». Antonio Saitta, former Chiamparino health councilor, also introduces himself: “I’m not going to go into the bottom line of the ordinance, but the Region has changed its mind a few days before the start of the school year. Be that as it may, the TAR’s decision will not be long in coming.
