School, back to school in September “May fail if there are deficiencies”


“I want to reiterate, clearly, that the health conditions, to date, do not allow the school year to finish at school. It is for this reason that the government decided to return to school starting next September.”

The Minister of Education, Lucia Azzolina, reiterated this when speaking in the Committee of the Chamber of Culture. “However, he added, the educational service is a constitutionally guaranteed essential public service. For this reason, we immediately urge the activation of forms of distance learning. In order to guarantee the right to study, but the closeness to our students and their families. In my opinion, a forced choice. We had no alternative to stay close to our students, “said the minister.

THIRD MEDIA EXAM. “By accepting the appeals received, I immediately gave my willingness to give all the time it takes for the schools to complete the entire process with complete serenity.” According to the draft ministerial order, the examination procedure was to take place at the end of the lessons, therefore on June 8. In line with the provisions of Decree Law 22/2020, students will be evaluated through the final report card, which will also take into account a document that will be delivered. The theme of the work will be agreed with the teachers, improving the path taken by each student. It will be presented orally, electronically, before the class council, and will be evaluated in the final vote on the basis of originality, consistency with the assigned topic, clarity of presentation, “said the minister.

“The state examinations for the second cycle will begin on June 17, with interviews that will last up to an hour, in the presence, without jeopardizing the safety of all involved. The Scientific Technical Committee, at express request, authorized, added, the carrying out the aforementioned test, believing that it could be carried out in schools, guaranteeing the standard conditions of distance and safety. As previously anticipated, the test will be carried out in front of a commission made up of internal members and an external president, so that the students can be evaluated by the teachers who know their course of study ».

failures. “There remains the possibility of not admitting students and students with a poor image from the first school period until the following year. The evaluation will be carried out on the basis of what has really been done, students will be admitted to the next class even in presence of ratings of less than 6 tenths, in one or more disciplines. But you will not be a politician. The deficiencies will appear in the evaluation document, “he said. And, he added, for those admitted in the next class with grades below 6 tenths or, in any case, with unconsolidated levels of learning, teachers will prepare an individualized plan to recover, in the first part of September, what is not has learned. The plan will be attached to the final evaluation document. The Ordinance takes into account the needs and needs of students with disabilities. The teaching activity of the next school year, Azzolina announced, will be redesigned to recover the content that was not carried out this year. “

SCHOOL HEALTH EMERGENCY. “To cope with the health emergency, thanks to the Ministerial Working Group for Educational Emergencies, special assistance interventions have been activated that are carried out in the daily relationship with all schools and families through concrete actions, among the which seems important to mention psychological support actions, aimed at students, teachers and families, to overcome the difficulties that arose with the emergence of the emergency. “

TEACHER RANGES. “We are working, together with the senators, to immediately create the provincial classifications for the substitutes, digitizing everything. I am working with the ministerial administration to establish a great plan for the digitization of the procedures also related to the active immissions, as was already done for mobility. The time has come to seriously reflect on how to simplify, circumvent and modernize the country. It is also time to give stability to precarious teachers and allow young people who want to get closer to teaching to measure themselves with competences that place them in the roles of teachers “.


And responsibility. “I want to reassure school leaders concerned about the responsibilities they will face in September. We are working to make sure that not everything falls on your shoulders. There will be clear, applicable and also flexible rules regarding the characteristics of each institution. Thanks to the collaboration with the Scientific Technical Committee of the Ministry of Health, with the social forces, we are working on a special protocol for the school sector, also with reference to high school exams ”.


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