“There is an obligation from which we cannot exempt ourselves and that is to appoint the antiCOVID-19, a role that can be played by both an administrator and a teacher but I am having trouble finding it because many refuse out of fear ”, says the manager of a Institute Roman who prefers anonymity. And now there are still 100 drivers missing.
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The last grain to reach the world of school, three days after the official reopening – despite the fact that several institutes are expanding the recovery and increasing the ordinances of the mayors of many cities scattered throughout the Region for the reopening on September 24 – refers to the figure of the “controller” anti-contagion.
It is a person, such as an administrative (secretary) or teacher, who accepts the task of carrying out controls in the school on compliance with regulations – from distancing and wearing the mask – to coordinating with the ASL. and physicians in case a student or teacher experiences Sars-Cov-2 symptoms while at school.
However, a Rome, from Prenestino to Eur and then again Magliana, Trullo, Tiburtino, Trionfale / Monte Mario, at least a hundred institutes, according to the Uil Lazio school, continue to pursue these figures. “The job does not see additional salary – explains the number one of the rectors of Rome and Lazio Mario Ruscon – despite the great availability registered in recent days, it is useless to deny it, many teachers are afraid to fill the position”. A bit like it happened with the serological tests (yesterday the Region had more than 36 thousand tests carried out in schools) on a voluntary basis, against which the adherence of the teachers was timid, even for the antiCOVID-19 There is some problem. “The main fear,” Ruscon continues, “is that one day he might run into problems of a judicial nature.” If a student, for example, gets sick with Covid at school or even a teacher contracts a virus in service and then the conditions worsen to the extreme case of death “Family members could recover in the administrator and in the anti controller -Covid, and this is all. That scares “, adds the number one of the protagonists.” We wanted to take out civil liability insurance, but there was none, “concludes Rusconi. Moral? The countdown has already begun and Technically, the obligation will have to be fulfilled with the official resumption of the individual institute, but precisely, there are still a hundred people for the same number of schools available to carry out the task, which is undoubtedly delicate and adds to other burdens. Also because the anti-Covid verifier must necessarily be part of that school reality. For example, it cannot rely on parents, volunteers or external personnel. In the end, it could be the manager who is already there. involved in countless other tasks.