Students of the schools superiors will work from House, occasionally entering class. It is the formula of commitment found at night with the regions. Giuseppe Conte formally said no to 100 percent of distance lessons (here the new signed dpcm) requested in the governors’ letter but did not keep the embankment of the 75 percent that he had proposed in one of the last drafts of the Dpcm. Added a significant and dangerous at least to the already very important part of the three quarters of compulsory digital education for high school. Instead, they remain in class schools from childhood, elementary me average. The final text reads as follows: Second-grade educational institutions adopt flexible shapes in the organization of teaching activities increasing the use of integrated digital teaching for one participation equal to at least 75 percent of the activity. Translated: in high school it will be done from 75 to 100 percent distance learning.
When will I return to school normally?
In this way, the governors of Campania, Lombardy and Sicily, a third of the Italian students, will be able to keep theirs. ordinances they left all high school students home for the next two weeks. The other regions that had tax at least 50 percent of the lessons from home, they will have to do it now to adapt and increase participation. The purpose – read the decree – is limit the contagion. For this reason it is also expected that I weird high school students who will go to class should never enter before from 9 and eventually they can also take turns in the afternoon. But now the node for the two and a half million high school students it is still time exile at home: the Dpcm in force until November 24 but nobody in the school world hides that what has been decided now will be valid at least until later Holidays Christmas.
October 25, 2020 (change October 25, 2020 | 11:52)