School, all Covid cases to date September 16


After the ringing of the first bell on Monday the 14th, various institutions across the country have already found themselves dealing with the positivity of the coronavirus affecting students or school staff, prompting swabs and quarantines.

From Friuli Venezia Giulia to Sicily, throughout most of Italy, various schools have to deal with new cases of Covid-19 and, consequently, with insulation swabs and carpets. Here they are, region by region, the new coronavirus positivity proven in school settings and the decisions that have been made (COVID, UPDATES – SPECIAL – THE PODCAST ON RETURN TO SCHOOL).

Fvg, positive teacher but all negative students in Monfalcone

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The 115 boys of Isis Michelangelo Buonarroti from Monfalcone (Gorizia) in fiduciary isolation after a teacher tested positive for Coronavirus, tested negative on the swab and will be able to return to school as of tomorrow. The Lieutenant Governor responsible for health, Riccardo Riccardi, announced it today with a tweet. The 115 students belong to five classes of the institute and had been subjected, as a precaution, to fiduciary isolation two days ago. The tampons started yesterday. The contagion case was due to an indirect contact that the professor had had with a person from Eastern Europe. In these hours, adds the Region, also a student of the Isis Dante Alighieri from Gorizia was quarantined pending the examination of the hyssop. The preventive measure, also extended to the girl’s family, was adopted by the health authority after the student came into contact with a positive person who does not attend school. Also in Friuli, a teacher who lives in Manzano (Udine) and works in a nursery school in Gorizia tested positive.

Veneto, children isolated after a day of absence


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The presidential candidate in Veneto for the 5 Stars, Enrico Cappelletti, denounces the “confusing” application in some schools in the region of the Covid prevention rules, with “children and families in isolation after only one day of absence” . Having received several reports from many families, Cappelletti and Sen. Orietta Vanin say, we would like to highlight a significant issue related to self-declaration for readmission to school after an absence for health reasons that are not suspected of Covid-19. There have been cases of children sent home after a day for having even had a single symptom of those associated with Covid (for example a cold), with the obligation of quarantine for children and their parents, waiting for the swab results. “. In the province of Treviso, the students of two classes were quarantined, after the emergence of a positivity in a nursery school and a secondary school of the district, respectively. In the Materna, the quarantine also began for teachers; without However, there are no restrictive measures for secondary school teachers.

Trentino Alto Adige, 3 infected students and 23 quarantined


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Three children are infected in South Tyrol, one of them in a nursery school on the Pinè plateau, one in a primary school in Val di Sole and another in a secondary school in Rovereto. In Bolzano, however, on Monday, September 14, a student from the “Max Valier” technical institute tested positive for coronavirus. All 23 classmates and three teachers are in quarantine, Principal Barbara Willimek said. The case would be in correlation with the outbreak in a sausage factory in Chiusa.

Lombardy, four isolated classes

In Lombardy, on September 16, a boy who had swabs on September 3, 7, 8 and 9, went to school anyway, in Brianza, and then tested positive. In Milan there are 6 cases of positive swabs in the schools of the capital: 5 students and 1 teacher. These are micronid (1 case) and kindergarten (4 cases) students. The 5 positive classes were isolated. The teacher, on the other hand, teaches in a lower secondary school. No isolation was provided at the institution in the case. On September 15, however, the first cases of positivity among students and operators and the first 4 classes in isolation were recorded, in Milan. The Ats of the Lombard capital made it known: “Given the numerous requests on the subject ‘back to school’, we communicate that 4 cases of positive swabs have been received in Covid-19 (one in a primary school, one in a nursery school, one in a nursery school and one in a nursery / kindergarten) which led to the isolation of the classes the subjects attended, and in the case of the nursery school, an educator was also isolated.

Piedmont 5 positive students and operators


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There are 5 students and school operators who tested positive in Piedmont after the “ test result in ‘school hot spots’ established by the Region for immediate diagnosis of Coronavirus. To date, 212 students and school staff have taken the exam. The data -explains the Region- includes both the shortcuts requested during school hours and the scheduled ones, which took the opportunity to shorten the test time. Access to the hotspots involved 200 students and 12 school operators.

Liguria, a positive child in Genoa

In Liguria, the group from the province of La Spezia has almost 800 total positives. In the municipality of Liguria, schools were not resumed on Monday due to the increase in coronavirus cases. In the Gaslini of Genoa, on the other hand, a two-year-old girl from Bangladesh has been hospitalized since Sunday with her mother: both tested positive. The girl had attended a Genoese kindergarten for a few days. The report reached Asl3’s Prevention Department, which activated all procedures to identify and trace close contacts. Therefore, another child co-present in kindergarten (classes with a maximum of two children) and 2 teachers, 1 assistant and 2 cooks, all in isolation, have already done the swab. The kindergarten was not closed, because the work is organized so that there are only 2 children in the same environment.

Tuscany, positive child in the province of Lucca

In the province of Lucca, on September 16 a child attending the Felice Orsi primary school in Porcari tested positive, triggering the quarantine for the 16 classmates, three teachers and a collaborator. On the other hand, 42 school-age children tested positive for Coronavirus after swabs requested as of September 14, the start date of the school year for many institutions. This is what emerges from the data held by the Tuscany region. Eighteen students and three teachers of a primary school in the municipality of Fosdinovo, in the province of Massa Carrara, have been in quarantine since Monday, the 14th after a girl received the positive result of hyssop. The little girl, last week, had already attended preschool lessons with her classmates.

Emilia-Romagna, students from Rimini and Ferrara in isolation


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Some students from two classes at a scientific high school in Rimini ended up in home isolation because, according to epidemiological investigations, they had close contact with a young man from another institution who tested positive for coronavirus before returning to school. The quarantined students received the communication from the Public Hygiene Service the weekend before classes started and, as Ausl Romagna claims, they never showed up to class. At the moment, therefore, there is no case of positivity among high school students. In Ferrara, a kindergarten teacher tested positive. The protocol foreseen in these cases was applied: for 14 children and two other members of the educational staff, home isolation was started while waiting to be subjected to swabbing.

Lazio, in the province of Rome, class in quarantine

A student from Monterotondo, in the province of Rome, tested positive: the entire class was isolated by ASL and the school itself. The mayor, Riccardo Varone, communicates this on his Facebook profile. “First thing in the morning – he explains – I received a communication from the Director of the Integral Institute of Espazia, of a positive case of a student at the school. The positivity is not yet attributable in any way to a contagion that occurred within the School ”.

Sardinia, 20 students in quarantine in the province of Oristano

A teacher of positive recovery courses for the coronavirus and a score of students, in quarantine, waiting for a swab. It happened at the Viale Sardegna secondary school in Terralba, a town of just over ten thousand inhabitants in the province of Oristano. The school complex was sanitized this morning and is open. The alarm was triggered yesterday when the director was contacted by Ats who was reconstructing the chain of contacts of a teacher from the ‘Iscola’ project funded by the Region, who tested positive for Covid-19, but asymptomatic. The teacher, who is not part of the school’s teaching staff, had a few days ago taken courses for the recovery of learning in which about twenty young people from the Viale Sardegna secondary school had participated.

Puglia, postponed the opening of schools in Bitonto

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Due to the coronavirus, the first postponements of school openings are registered in Puglia. The mayor of Bitonto, Michele Abbaticchio, has decided to accept the request of the school leaders of the municipal institutes by postponing the inauguration scheduled from 24 to 28 September. Puglia is among the last regions of Italy to reopen schools, but there are still problems of space and adaptation of classrooms. “We have worked hard to better prepare for the start of the school year and contain the return of infections, explains Abbaticchio, but Puglia is among the first places for the increase in infections in Italy. We have to behave in the best possible way, from We are not going anywhere alone. “

Sicily, schools in Casa Santa and Palermo closed

A teacher from the “Spring” kindergarten at Casa Santa, a fraction of Erice in the Trapani area, tested positive for coronavirus after taking a swab. The school has closed and the children who attend it have been quarantined pending tests. In Palermo, on September 15, two municipal kindergartens – “Allodola” di Falsomiele and “Filastrocca” all’Uditore – were closed after confirmation of the actual or potential positivity of the adults linked to the two schools. In both cases, reorganization procedures have been initiated, pending authorization for the reopening of the ASP.
