“Scenario type 3, severe measures or viruses that get out of control”


Conte: Type 3 scenario, severe measures or viruses that get out of control

The anti-Covid restrictions “that other countries have also adopted respond to a the government’s precise strategy to handle the pandemic without feeling overwhelmed. Experience teaches us that by preserving public health we better protect the economic and productive fabric of the country “. This was stated by the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, during the first question time in the Chamber. The objective, Conte reiterated, is”avoid a new blockage, which would further damage the country’s economy. “

“The European outlook for the pandemic is alarming. Many countries – stressed the premier – show a significant increase in positives and also France and Germany announce restrictive measures ”.

THE MEASUREMENT CRITERIA – “We have not adopted measures according to an arbitrary criterion or operating a hierarchy of values ​​between the activities”, explained Conte, but the measures, particularly those of the last Dpcm, respond to “scenario number 3” elaborated by a study by the Higher Institute of Sanità and its effect “should not be evaluated in these first days but over two weeks.” “They are severe measures” and, Conte recalls, “we have previously illustrated them to the leaders of the majority and opposition groups”, but “we consider them absolutely necessary to contain” the spread of infections. Otherwise the curve is bound to get out of control. “

DL RISTORI – The Ristori decree contains “interventions, we can also call them compensation, for 5,400 million in terms of net debt. Among these, there is a non-reimbursable subsidy for the activities most affected by the new restrictions and companies in the sectors subject to the new restrictions will receive a refreshment with the same procedure already used by the Tax Agency, in relation to the contributions provided by the decree ‘Relaunch’ ”, said Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, responding in the Chamber of the Chamber to a question time from Fdi on the dl refreshment.

Regarding the question raised, I would like to recall the outstanding interventions contained in the decree-law approved by the Council of Ministers yesterday, Tuesday, October 27, which contains interventions for 5,400 million euros in net debt ”. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said this when he spoke at “premier time” in the House. “Among them, there is a non-reimbursable subsidy for the most affected activities of the new restrictions and the companies in the sectors subject to the new restrictions will receive a snack with the same procedure already used by the Tax Agency, in relation to the contributions provided for by the Relaunch decree. The amount of the amounts paid will vary from 100 percent to 400 percent than previously provided with the relaunch decree, depending on the economic damage suffered by the categories, such as bars, restaurants, ice cream parlors, pastry shops, taxis and rental with driver, accommodation establishments, sports centers, cinemas, theaters, other centers recreational and discotheques “.

The audience of beneficiaries will also include companies with a turnover of more than 5 million euros, with a relief equivalent to 10 percent of the drop in billing, up to a maximum limit of 150,000 euros. For those who had already submitted a request for contributions to the Relaunch decree, automatic payment to the checking account is foreseen until November 15 ”.

They will be able to request the new provisioning, with disbursement scheduled for December 15, including activities – Conte explained – that had not requested the contributions of the Relaunch decree. Further, the decree-law finances another 6 weeks of layoffs for the workers of the activities affected by the restrictions, as well as specific benefits for the self-employed and intermittent workers in the world of entertainment, tourism and sports ”.

At the same time, measures are planned to support the activities involved, such as the additional extension of the rental tax credit for 3 months, the cancellation of the second IMU installment for 2020 and direct support funds for the most affected sectors, such as tourism, publishing, fairs, agriculture, fishing and amateur sports ”.

Swabs – “At the moment I speak to you, I believe that the renewal of the category contract is about to be announced, which will facilitate, among the inserted clauses, the involvement of free choice general practitioners and pediatricians in the administration of tampons.”

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