Ensure that the health system does not collapse under the pressure of the emergency COVID-19 at the same time avoiding a emergency shutdown widespread that would damage the country’s economy. These are the objectives of the new Dpcm according to the premier Giuseppe Conte during question time in the room. “By preserving public health, the productive fabric of citizens is also preserved,” said Conte. At present, according to the CTS study in Italy, “we have a type 3 scenario. The study considers the possibility of interrupting some particularly risky activities, even for hours, the possibility of staggered lessons for school, increased smart work to decongest Transportation. The government complied with these measures by adopting the Dpcm. The government, on Saturday, sent a draft of the Dpcm to the CTS requesting an opinion on the merits and the CTS, after an extensive analysis – I read verbatim – “shared the provisions included in the text.”», Conte emphasized.
Decree on refreshments, from bars to theaters and from restaurants to hotels: here is who is entitled to the aid. The Ateco codes
“We are aware that these are severe measures,” he stressed, “but they are necessary to contain infections. Otherwise, the epidemiological curve is bound to get completely out of control. ‘
Doctors and tampons
“We have included immediate support measures in the dl provisioning also for workers and companies not directly affected” by the restrictive measures, the provisioning levels differ according to the injury suffered by the categories, “says the premier. We have prepared interventions aimed at strengthening the health response “to the pandemic with resources of” 30 million “for quick swabs with doctors and pediatricians.” When I speak with you – says Conte – I believe that the renewal of the category contract that will facilitate Among the clauses inserted, the involvement of free choice general practitioners and pediatricians in the administration of tampons ”, explains the premier.
Financial assistance
The Prime Minister then referred to the Decree on financial aid to companies. The non-refundable snacks, he recalled, will arrive with “automatic disbursement to the current account until November 15, until December 15 also for activities that had not requested contributions with the relaunch decree.”
The amount of the amounts paid will vary from 100% to 400% of what was previously foreseen with the “Relaunch” decree, depending on the economic damage suffered by the categories, such as bars, restaurants, ice cream parlors, patisseries, taxis and rentals. with driver, accommodation facilities, sports centers, cinemas, theaters, other recreational centers and discos, Conte recalled. The bill, he stressed, “contains interventions for 5.4 billion euros in terms of net debt.” Among the measures, “the decree-law finances another 6 weeks of dismissal of workers in the activities affected by the restrictions, as well as specific benefits for freelancers and intermittents in the world of entertainment, tourism and sports.” The government, Conte says, intends to allocate “refreshments in the quickest way: we realize the suffering, discomfort and frustration that so many operators are accumulating”, the frustration of “workers, families, companies” hence “the decision of close the Dpcm only when we are sure that we have found enough modalities and amounts for compensation.
Transportation in difficulty
“The government has confirmed the establishment of permanent round tables to solve the criticalities of transport. The MIT is evaluating the increase in the number of trips “at the same time as the times in which” the influx is greater, “Conte continues.” It is clear that there is an objective difficulty in respecting security and distancing measures throughout the day. “And that is why the measurements of the Dpcm They are aimed at “easing transport flows,” he adds.
Last updated: 18:41