
Giulia Sorrentino
Alda D’Eusanio, Libero launched the European University of Rome scandal. what do you think about it?
“I think these are the reasons why there is a very serious crisis in Christianity, these are the episodes that explain why. It is important for everyone to reflect on the seriousness of this book and what it contains. , as well as the intention of presenting it as a text to the exams. It is serious regardless of the address of the faculty, even if it were said in a neighborhood homily, it would have the same seriousness ”.
But here I consider it more severe.
“Yes, in this case it is even more serious because it is the institution of the Church that condemns homosexuality as if it were a sin.”
Where does it all start?
Well, the real condemnation of homosexuality comes from there. The memoirs of Hadrian, written by Marguerite Yourcenar, one of the most beautiful novels in the history of world literature is the story of the love story between the greatest emperor in the history of the empire. Roman and his slave, whom he later freed. No one at that time condemned homosexuality. But I would like to remind you that the writer, who was nominated for the Nobel Prize, was homosexual. By this I mean that a great woman was not absolutely ill and at that time she was not harassed, or do you think we should have admitted her to a mental hospital?
Can you better explain your reference to the Church?
“The basic principle of Christianity is the protection of the rights of the person. But how can they protect themselves if homosexuality is condemned? It is not just about considering it as a disease, because, if it were, the sense of mercy would intervene (or should intervene). you think he’s sick, you help him, you heal him. Instead, our religion condemns homosexuality as a sin against nature. So we are faced with a contradiction. Recent history tells us of homosexual priests denounced for violence against children. Because instead of treating them they are Were they moved from church to church to quell scandal and shame? The Church has been more concerned with stifling shame than protecting innocent victims. ”
The father who asked him what he thought of homosexuality replied: “who am I to judge”.
“Very well, but this very intelligent answer must be followed by a true practice, the facts. In the year of the jubilee Pope Wojtyla brought eternal forgiveness in prisons, to murderers, thieves, spillways, pedophiles, but always refused to receive homosexuals, therefore the religious condemnation of homosexuality continues to exist and is the gravest sin on which our religion is stained. It is absurd to argue, as precisely in the cardinal’s manual, that homosexuality is a disease rather than a deliberate vice I would like to remind you that the greatest mathematician of our time, Alan Turing, allowed England to free itself from Nazism by deciphering the information that the Germans exchanged. And do you know what English democracy did to thank him? He subjected him to chemical castration and a a year later he committed suicide, he was only 40 years old, he was a genius and still could have given so much to humanity ”.
Many students have written to me who fear retaliation or fear that their university will be devalued. what do you think about it?
“The students are scared so I am not interested in talking about it, because as long as you think about safeguarding yourself, you will not go anywhere.
The battle for the rights of the person must overcome any fear, otherwise what are they going to do in college? It is not normal for a university that adopts a book like this, if I had a child I would keep him very far from there, rest assured. But it must also be said that when the Church continues to have battles of this type, lost, it makes the Church a dying institution, because it is not in tune with history. This episode demonstrates for the umpteenth time why the Church is in a very serious crisis, in decline, throughout the Northern Hemisphere. For me, as a Christian, I have the feeling that Christianity is dying out and I would like them to do something. This episode should help us understand the importance of certain facts, it cannot be forgotten.
But how does the church open up to gays? What should I do?
“Become what you are, simply Christian. Because it is not written in any gospel or Bible that homosexuality is a sin. At the basis of Christianity is forgiveness, and then homosexuals should not be condemned, because it is anti-Christian. Yes. Murders must be condemned, not homosexuals. Because let’s stop saying it’s a disease. Students should be told not to blindly follow the teachers in mind and soul, but to follow true Christian principles and greats. of history, many of which are homosexual states (eg, Michelangelo or Turing). Look at human beings not on the basis of their sexual identity, but on the basis of honesty or dishonesty, good or bad. No we are against Christian principles, there is a need for unity. Stupid, silly and blind morality hurts us, what I would like is a church closer to gays.
Public opinion is not very happy with the work done by the teacher, some students try to protect it. What you think?
The teacher is the first to go back to school, but since kindergarten, because she has not understood anything about the history of mankind. The sacredness of life is the foundation of Christianity. “
Often, the greatest suffering of a homosexual is non-acceptance by his own family, there is fear when telling the parents.
“Parents of homosexuals attend churches and are usually the first to condemn their children. Because they have been raised to think of homosexuality as an unforgivable sin, because their own priest can condemn them. I have met many homosexuals who do not have them. . most viewed their parents. Do not choose to be homosexual, science tells us, also because no one would want to be rejected by their family and there is enormous suffering in these people. And it is by virtue of this suffering and this discomfort that students must condemn publicly to those who proposed this book and must learn to fight without fear of reprisals, because the battle for the rights of humanity is worth even a life. Voltaire said: “I do not share your ideas, but I will fight so that you can always express them.”