Saudi Arabia: Loujain al-Hathloul, women’s rights activist, sentenced to 5 years


RIAD – The Saudi militant for human rights, Loujain al-Hathloul, She was sentenced by an anti-terrorist court in Riyadh to 5 years and 8 months in prison. The young woman, arrested in 2018, was in prison for months in very severe conditions: she was subjected to electric shocks, spankings and sexual abuse.

Al Hathloul, 31, who has long been in the front row demanding an end to mandatory male protection for Saudis and the right to drive the car, was arrested in May 2018, a few weeks before it ended. the ban on driving women wanted by the government. Heir Prince Mohammed Bin Salman. Other activists were arrested with her, some of whom are still in prison. Tortured and harassed, al Hathloul began refusing food in October, denouncing restrictions and abuse.

Saudi Arabia, electric shock, spanking and sexual abuse of activist fighting for women’s rights

She was accused of violating “national security” rules, passing information to countries “not friendly” to Saudi Arabia, talking to journalists and diplomats and applying for a job at the United Nations. In recent months, the jailers reportedly offered him the opportunity to get out of prison if he declared that he had not suffered torture, but al Hathloul refused.

Bin Farhan, Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia: “On Iran, Biden listen to allies in the region”

by Francesca Caferri

Taking into account the time already served in prison and the extenuating circumstances, the activist will be free in March: right after the Biden administration takes office in the United States: a government that promises to revoke Donald Trump’s unconditional support for the Saudis and demand an account of human rights violations in the kingdom and justice – considered a summary by Western governments and the United Nations – made for the Jamal khashoggi, the dissident journalist and US resident killed and dismembered at the Saudi consulate in Istranbul by men close to Prince MBS.
