Burst of controls and sanctions in Sassari for breach of anti-coronavirus regulations.
The Local Police have arrested and fined 25 people in the last hours in different areas of the city. No use of masks, gatherings, consumption of alcoholic beverages in the middle of the street are some of the alleged infractions.
The most striking case is that of twelve boys, who entered the sports field of a city school – that of Via Monte Grappa – to play a football game, despite the prohibitions imposed by the last Dpcm.
However, someone noticed them and alerted the police. Upon the arrival of the agents, a general stampede began. However, seven young people were arrested and identified.
For them they took a fine of 400 euros and also a complaint for false general information. In fact, during the control they tried to give false names to escape the consequences.
The controls, the Command specifies, will continue for the next few days, without stopping.
(Unioneonline / lf)