Sarroch, 1378 employees in layoffs, is the crisis: “Blame the closure, reduced consumption”


Sarroch, 1,378 employees in layoffs, is a crisis: “Blame the confinement, reduction of consumption.” Mayor Salvatore Mattana takes stock of the sensational crisis in the saras, with 1,378 workers laid off: “As a result of our urgent request yesterday morning, a meeting was held between the City Council and the Sarlux Management to examine the situation to be created after the announcement of the request for dismissals by the company Sarlux.

During the meeting, which lasted more than two hours, Sarlux communicated the reasons that led the company to request the launch of the redundancy fund, even if it is partial, for the employees of the Saras group, all derived from the emergency situation after the coronavirus pandemic.

In the previous months, the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic and the consequent blockade caused a drastic reduction in the consumption of refined products and the suspension of the activities of many factories and oil plants.

Despite this, Sarlux has decided to carry out scheduled extraordinary maintenance work on most of the plants and the activity in the industrial area has continued in an organized manner with responsible attitudes on the part of the company, the companies and, in particular, the workers , to be recognized.

Later, Sarlux communicated, the lack of recovery in consumption, also due to the resurgence of the epidemic, caused a crisis situation and an increase in the Company’s losses that led to cost containment decisions in this phase. , defined transitory, in three lines:

– drastic reduction of investments by 2021

– reduction of maintenance, however confirming the option to keep all plants in operation in anticipation of a recovery in consumption from July 2021;

– Containment of labor costs with the launch of a partial complementary fund distributed among all the group’s employees.

This is in the hope of the company and the desire for a full resumption of activities in the following period.

We have taken note of the situation and the efforts of the company and, nevertheless, we have highlighted three aspects that are critical and priority for us:

– support to companies in the industrial area and protection of local workers

– the maintenance of investments in security

– the continuation of investments and environmental programs.

We believe that the agreement reached for the partial dismissals of the 1,378 Sarlux employees is undoubtedly appreciated, with the desire to anticipate the disbursement by the company.

At this stage, however, we believe that it is important to pay close attention to the difficult situation of companies in the industrial area and we believe that it is necessary to implement all initiatives, even beyond the ordinary tools provided in the event of a crisis. , for the protection of labor and workers and support for business initiatives in the area.

We have given full availability to contribute and participate, even beyond the institutional role, in all planned initiatives.

In addition, the municipal administration, as it has done previously, will try to implement all the tools available to support productive activities and work in our area ”, said today the mayor of Sarroch Salvatore Mattana.
