Sardinian doctors are not there: “In the patients of the Holy Trinity in the corridors, we work in a circle of hell”


Sardinian doctors are not there: “In the patients of the Holy Trinity in the corridors, we work in a circle of hell.” Very harsh complaint from Anaao Assomed Sardinia: “We are only at the end of October and the cases of positive Covid patients are increasing exponentially – read the note published tonight – The Sardinia region has been immediately identified as the reference hospital for the south of Sardinia “the hospital of the Holy Trinity. Logica would have liked a radical and rapid change in the structure of the services, starting with those most involved in care and the Emergency Department is the first to be affected by the influx of positive or suspicious patients.

Without fear of exaggeration, the current situation of the emergency room of this garrison could easily be compared to a circle of hell such is the situation of congestion impossible to handle, close to collapse.

There are currently almost 50 patients placed on stretchers and beds placed in corridors, in waiting rooms, in evacuation rooms, in this state for several days. If we add to this that there are only two bathrooms, it is not difficult to understand how it is no longer possible to guarantee decent hospital care.

However, the indications contained in Circular No. 0011254 of 05.29.2020 of the Ministry of Health (and in the same sense, the Circulars of 03.25.2020, of 02.25.2020, of 02.22.2020) establish that “the waiting time for hospitalization must be reduced to a minimum, also taking into account it takes into account the patients’ needs for distancing… to avoid overcrowding and not cause slowdowns or delays in the management of the pre-hospital phase of medical care ”.

These patients were cared for by the small number of on-call personnel, with no real separation between positive and doubtful patients, waiting for a bed to be vacated in any Covid ward.

The Guidelines contained in Resolution RAS no. 28/18 of 04.06.2020 (Access to the Emergency Service, page 3) where it is also specified that “… the flows of ordinary activities and the Covid-19 evaluation activity will be separated, maintaining the management and care channels patients without and with suspected Covid-19 symptoms clean and dirty path), in order to minimize the possibility of hospital infection “

Beds in newly built rooms have been identified in the garrison. One of them, Covid 3, was intended for patients in the discharge process “, attack the doctors of Anaao Assomed Sardegna.
