Sardinia, the island saves the situation in Sassari from the orange zone


The situation of coronavirus infections in Sassari.

Sardinia remains in yellow zone despite the continuous increase in infections by coronavirus. Figures that seem significant but do not concern the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and the Ministry of Health that, following the surveillance of the regions, showed that the island is a relatively happy area. further the Rt index, which indicates the rate of infection of the virus, is decreased from 1.24 to 1.

If the government looks like it float amid political indecisions and scientist, the same cannot be said of the mayor of Sassari, Nanni Campus. Yesterday the municipality passed the threshold of 500 positive residents. A figure that pushed the Mayor to issue more restrictions. It is absolutely forbidden to stop on sidewalks, open spaces, squares, stairs and in any other public space in groups of more than four people, if they do not live together, although with regularly applied mask. A recipe dictated by the will of “Do not pose the risk of exposure to potential concentrations of potentially infectious respiratory aerosol on all other bystanders.”.

The new regional plan against the coronavirus: another 545 beds in Sassari. “The Rt index is among the lowest in Italy, now let’s invert the curve”

By deal with the emergency the Region also went out into the field. At the disposal of the regional health department, a Sassari more will be configured 545 rooms which will be managed byAts in collaboration with theAug, for a total of 848 places. To date, in general, they are 392 the beds distributed in the health agencies of the Sardinia.

From the perspective of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, and the Ministry of Health, in addition to the Rt index, the risk indicators, which are divided into three areas. The first measures the ability to data collection from individual regions, from the number of symptomatic cases reported each month to the number of RSA in a Check list with at least one criticality. Yes, even in Sardinia, it should exceed 30%, at that point to the island the alert would go off with the risk of ending up in the red zone.

The second area, on the other hand, concerns ability to test all suspected cases and ensure adequate resources for monitoring, isolation and quarantine. Finally, the third area verifies the resilience of health services, the number of new outbreaks and access to first aid for coronaviruses it is not necessary exceed 50%. But also the occupancy rate of ICU beds, which The alert threshold was established by the Ministry of Health at 30%., the occupancy rate of beds in ordinary rooms whose the threshold is 40%, and the index Rt that measures the speed of transmission of infection.

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