Sardinia prepared for the possible new confinement discovers fear: two months ago we danced at the disco


The discos open in summer, all dancing intensely. Corso Vittorio Emanuele in Cagliari in July full of young people as the nightlife went wild, almost all without masks. And now the hospitals are collapsing, the ambulances stopped in the Holy Trinity for five hours of waiting. It is as if a music has suddenly stopped. As if something had deceived us that the nightmare of the virus was over: the beaches full and crowded, the places were sold out, with the distance but also with that lightness of those who thought that the worst was over. But what happened then? How is it possible that from May to August, after the confinement, everything really seemed to go well and then we fell back into chaos? The fault cannot be solely due to the seven million tourist presences in Sardinia in August, which certainly reported the infection to an island that was now Covid-free. And certainly keeping the clubs open now feels like a punch in the stomach for those who fear losing loved ones along with work. But why did everyone, starting with national and regional institutions, seem to have let their guard down? There is something that has not been traced, or we are really wrong and we are all “irresponsible” or some communication mechanism has failed. We delude ourselves that the second wave would never come, but why if the virus was still in circulation?

What will happen now? Today, Governor Solinas announced a possible 15-day “stop and go” of all major activities in Sardinia. What translated means a lockdown to close, also to shield ports and airports, and then hope that everything goes well, that the contagion stops as in a reset. But what activities will remain open? And how will bars, shops, restaurants, gyms, swimming pools, beauty centers, hairdressers survive another possible lockout, even if only for 15 days? What if later it was necessary to expand it? What if there was a national shutdown later? There is no scaremongering, in fact the government excludes it: but these are the questions that many employers and workers are asking now in Sardinia, many of whom are already laid off with the specter of future layoffs.

And then there are all the people forced into quarantine, the enormous concern of doctors and nurses: what is scary in Sardinia, it is useless to deny it, is that fine thread of the number of beds in hospitals, especially in intensive care. But the question is always the same: between health and economy, because enduring a new confinement, in the words of Giuseppe Conte, at this time would be almost unbearable for Italians. And if at first the citizens had united in a big hug with those who governed them and protected them from the pandemic, now it seems that that feeling has been broken. People are under the impression that the upper floors are too visible, with one Dpcm after another, and the ordinances fly like a patch. Where is the vision of our future? Is it really impossible to predict what will happen soon? And there are all other diseases that must be treated, with visits to the stake. And it is also forbidden to fracture, because the departments are reduced to the bone. The biggest enemy right now is not the virus, it is our fear. Of the present, but especially of the future. And that is what we must win in some way: collaboration between political forces and courage is needed, we cannot simply cling to the hope of a vaccine.
