Sara Cunial and the possible crime against Mattarella during the voting to close Dl: «Cultural epidemic»


“We are trying to understand if the epithet” virus “was addressed to the Prime Minister, which would undoubtedly be inappropriate but not a crime, or if it was addressed to the Head of State. In that case, the Cunial deputy should apologize and be in the case of the crime of vilification of the Head of State. ” Then, in the Chamber, the current president Fabio Rampelli spoke about the deputy’s words Sara Cunial, formerly M5 and now belonging to the mixed group. In his speech during the explanations of vote to dl lockdownCunial said: “While you break the Nuremberg code with Tso, fines and deportations, facial recognition and intimidation, endorsed by the dogmatic scientism protected by our multi-president of the Republic, who is the true cultural epidemic of this country, we outside, with the citizens we will multiply the fires of resistance in such a way that it is impossible for you to repress all of us », reiterating his thesis on nature of the coronavirus. The name of Cunial in recent weeks has been taken by news of the fine received during “phase 1” of the running of the bulls, while heading to the sea in Ostia.

Protests on camera

Pd, Iv and Fi they asked that Cunial’s speech in the Chamber be heard again, to determine if the extremes of the crime of vilification of the President of the Republic are configured in his words. “We ask that the presidency take the initiative of the censorship provided by our regulations, we ask that the colleague’s intervention be resolved,” he said. Enrico Borghi (Pd). The cries of protest arose from the pews of various groups, with Camillo D’Alessandro (Iv) who He approached the Presidency counter to denounce the insult by asking Rampelli for a withdrawal. To echo Giovanni Donzelli from Fratelli d’Italia, according to which the M5S should take responsibility for what happened, “because it brought here a person who has not changed his ideas unlike the Movement.”

“Absurd and unfounded theories”

“To maintain absurd and unfounded theories in the Montecitorio Hall, it is serious, especially in a health emergency. Connecting phantom frames to the Head of State is not worthy of an institutional representative. President Mattarella is a solid defense of freedom and democracy, “he added on Twitter. Mara Carfagna, vice president of the House and deputy of Fi, after the speech.

May 14, 2020 (change May 14, 2020 | 14:32)

