Santi, a new wholesaler dedicated to young fashion


Several international commentators have expressed a particularly positive opinion on the latest edition of the Milan Fashion Week. The Figaro, a few days ago, even evoked a “Renaissance” of Italian fashion, which in any case has always stood out in the world for its quality and style. The expressions of esteem and confidence that come from foreign critics resonate as signs of hope for the made in Italy clothing sector, which is experiencing a rather delicate moment due to the drastic fall in consumption caused by the health emergency in COVID-19.

So much so that in the January-August period, according to the Confimprese-EY Observatory, sales contracted 37.8%.

“It may seem paradoxical, but before this fragile market situation We accelerate our project dedicated to a younger clientele, 30 years or older, “reveals Giorgio Santi president of the clothing group of the same name, which in July opened a new wholesale in the district of the mini town of ready-to-wear, in via Orzinuovi. «The historic store in Piazzale Cremona – continues Santi – has been targeting a more ‘mature’ audience for fifty years and now, with the store in Via Orzinuovi, we will differentiate the offer in the hope of approaching a new clientele».

The feedback from the first months of activity does not hide the entrepreneur, they are very satisfactory. The opening of another wholesaler “Santi” is completed with the launch of an online store and is part of an industrial plan that also contemplates the optimization of resources, mainly the workforce (15 employees). “Three collaborators employed at the headquarters in Piazzale Cremona have been located in Via Orzinuovi – simplifies Giorgio Santi -: in this way, for the moment, we also exclude interventions on personnel costs”.