Santelli relaunches: “It is allowed to reach second residences and sports activities even on the premises”


New ordinance for the Calabria region that aims to “recover normal living and working conditions”. The new points are 9 in total and among these, “the obligation of the masks is reiterated”

Catanzaro Although the response to the tar ruling remains hot, he rejected the order of the Calabria region in the first instance of a trial on the reopening before the government’s ruling, Santelli presents a new regional order, number 41, which carries «Additional measures for the prevention and management of the epidemiological emergency of Covid-19. Ordinance in accordance with art. 32, paragraph 3, of the law of December 23, 1978, n. 833 on hygiene and public health – Provisions related to the movement of people and sports activities ». The ordinance, effective as of tomorrow, intervenes in the lifestyles of families in Calabria after the Covid-19 emergency: second residences, outdoor sports activities, shopping, mushroom picking, visits to cemeteries, assistance to Non-autonomous people, dog grooming. “An order – underlines the Region – in line with what has already been established in other regions, contextual to the sending by the Ministry of Health and the Higher Institute of Health of the Regional Report that contains the first improvements of the indicators mentioned in the Ministerial Decree of April 30, 2020, in relation to the criteria for monitoring health risk established in Annex 10 of the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of April 26, 2020, together with the related risk classification. report shows that, as of May 6, 2020, Calabria is considered low risk and with a reduction in the trend of cases due to Covid-19. Therefore, a territory that is currently configured as characterized due to a low probability of the virus spreading and the consequent transition from blocking phase 1 to the so-called Phase 2. “
PROMOTE THE SHOT According to what is read in the document of the Region of this May 9, given that “the closing period and the additional limitations imposed on the regional territory have proven to be effective and it is possible to continue with the gradual resumption of normal activities , without prejudice to the need to maintain respectful behaviors with hygiene and interpersonal distancing, essential to avoid possible new sources of contagion “it is necessary” to promote recovery from normal living and working conditions, both in terms of movement of people As for services, it is aware of the need to coexist with the virus that, according to scientific literature, will continue in the coming months; consequently, it is still essential to adopt the necessary measures to guarantee the safety of each citizen in the context of the activities that will be allowed periodically and in social relations. “
THE CONTENT OF THE ORDER And so, with this new provision, the Region allows, first of all, “(n. 1) the residents of Calabria to reach the second house, exclusively if they are within the regional territory, individually or with a family member living together , only for maintenance reasons and returning the same day ».
But there are nine new provisions, which are listed below: «(n. 2) Calabrian residents can reach cemeteries, individually or together with people who are members of the same family. (n.3) Sports activities are also allowed within sports structures and clubs, if they are carried out in open spaces that allow distance to be respected and physical contact between individual athletes to be avoided. Any other activity related to the use of the structures mentioned in the previous period is suspended, including the use of changing rooms, gyms, swimming pools, socializing places, bars and restaurants. (n.4) In accordance with art. 1 letter F) of the Prime Minister’s Decree of 04/26/2020, the following activities are allowed to be carried out individually in the regional territory: sport and recreational fishing, both on land and in inland waters and at sea, in accordance with the legislation in force on the exercise of sport and recreational fishing, carried out by a person authorized to carry out sport and recreational fishing with a copy of the communication made in accordance with the Ministerial Decree of December 6, 2010. The activity may be carried out with a maximum of two people living together and with compulsory return the same day; training and training of dogs referred to in L. n. 157/1992 and L.R. n. 9/1996; they are only allowed in canine centers in authorized companies, provided that the activity is carried out individually, together with the dogs to be trained, according to a shift of use of the Training and Dog Training Zones (ZAC / AFV / AATV) and without direct contact between people, in accordance with interpersonal distancing and current legislation on containment of the spread of the COVID-19 virus. (n5) The movement of individuals to go shopping is allowed throughout the regional territory, individually or together with people who live together. (n.6) Natural persons in possession of a specific nominative permit or regional suitability card are allowed to move within the territory of the Calabria Region, for the research and collection of spontaneous products from the land (non-woody plants , fruits, epigenic fungi and truffles), provided that the research and collection activity is carried out in accordance with the rules of social distancing and, in any case, with all the safety rules related to the containment of the Covid-19 contagion, as well as in accordance with the methods provided by the laws in force for each category of products. (n7) Travel is allowed for assistance to non-autonomous persons, including those for whom assistance is required in accordance with Law no. 104/92 and subsequent amendments, as they fall within the health motives, as well as those affected by autism spectrum disorders and their companions. (n.8) Grooming by appointment is allowed, for pets and pets in authorized establishments, minimizing contact between people in the delivery and collection phase of animals. (n.9) The obligation to wear masks is reiterated for all subjects who attend one of the permitted activities and, in any case, in situations in which interpersonal distance is not guaranteed. Similarly, hygiene measures and precautions must be strictly observed; in any case, any form of mounting is prohibited ».
