Gabriele Peloso found dead in the residence where he was staying, the last goodbye on Friday at 10 in the church of the Immaculate Conception
TREVISO. He died far from home, far from his dearest loved ones. Gabriele Peloso, a 46-year-old father, died on Thursday, October 1 due to a sudden heart attack.
The disease, also confirmed by an autopsy carried out in recent days at Ca’Foncello, occurred while he was in the room of a residence outside the province, where he had found temporary accommodation because he was near his new place of work.
A brief period, which ended up suddenly affecting his entire family, who reside in Santa Bona di Treviso. A simple character, that of Gabriele, who at the age of twenty had also worked as a baker-pastry chef in his father Enzo’s bakery, in the heart of the Santa Bona neighborhood, which had been closed for some time.
He later found work as an employee of an assembly company. In this period, after a time in which he had devoted himself almost exclusively to his family, he returned to the working world.
“The story has moved everyone and the words are few: it is a sudden tragedy that brings with it an enormous trauma, particularly for the couple” it is the testimony of his brother “, Gabriele was a sensitive and good person, deeply attached to beings dear ones: he lived for his family and was in fact a full time father, it was and is a shock to all of us.
In fact, from the residence last Thursday, when the man was found dead, the phone call that announced his disappearance began to the relatives, who rushed to the place to be recognized.
This is followed by the autopsy, ordered by the authorities as is customary in the event of deaths outside the home, and the subsequent confirmation of the first hypotheses raised by forensic doctors, namely that the 46-year-old was missing due to natural causes. , after a heart attack.
Only then could the authorities grant authorization for the burial, which will take place at the Fontane di Villorba cemetery on Friday.
With a past as a swimmer and, in any case, as a sporty and active person, Gabriele had never had any particular health problem or suffered from particular pathologies. Also for this reason, it remains difficult for family members to overcome the shock. The man will be received on Friday at 10 in the parish church of the Immaculate Conception in Treviso.
Right here the funeral will be held in which, given the multiple messages of remembrance, esteem and closeness to the family, especially through social networks, many will want to gather around their partner Bárbara, their father Enzo and the brothers Enrico and Vincenzo. –