Sanremo 2021: what does the pin worn by singers mean? – Magazine – Sanremo


San Remo 2021: Francesca Michielin and Fedez (Ansa)
San Remo 2021: Francesca Michielin and Fedez (Ansa)

Rome, March 4, 2021 – ‘Rights are a show‘. On the Ariston stage, the big names do not forget their colleagues and entertainment workers, who in this pandemic year, with cinemas and theaters that will reopen their doors perhaps only on March 27, have suffered an unprecedented crisis . So here is a San Remo 2021, in the afternoon that pays tribute the song of the Italian author, a leaving from Fedez, Roy Paci, Casadilego me Renga, the artists exhibit the spilletta campaign, with the ‘play’ function symbol.

San Remo 2021: the lineup and the opening order of the third night

It’s been a year. no more time“is the slogan of the campaign.” Live entertainment – reads a press release from the animators – is a sector that for a long time needs a structural reform and a change in perception aimed at recognizing its cultural and productive value – in economic and employment terms – and social – as an aggregation element of cities, provinces and suburbs. There pandemic has been and continues to be an awareness accelerator for the cultural sector: without definitive action and as unified as possible, the consequences of this crisis will be dramatic and will have unsustainable repercussions on the lives of workers, on the health of the entire sector and on the GDP of our country ”.

“The need for this new campaign -explains the press release- lies not only in the figures -which paint a dramatic situation for workers, companies and the realities that make up the sector- but also in the worrisome absence, in the last year, of a method less random scheduling of aid stations and dedicated resource management ”. Just over a year after the start of the pandemic “there are still no adequate buffers for workers and the realities of the sector – the campaign continues -; Workers still suffer the effects of unforgivable delays in receiving compensation due to INPS delays. What is expected in the coming weeks is that the ministry commits to establishing a refresh mechanism weighted on billing and overhead, by cross-referencing the data that should have been acquired after one year that the refreshments are distributed equitably among the parties involved so that funds of equal allocation are no longer established that in one case will be shared between a few and in the other they will be distributed among innumerable subjects ”.
