
the San Remo Festival 2021 is unknown, due to organizational difficulties due to COVID-19. But for Ronnie red there is little doubt. The television presenter, a longtime protagonist of the web, posted it on Facebook “almost complete list“of singers in competition and drum roll”, winner“.
“Even if I always avoid the questions about the Sanremo Festival, many continue to ask them. Then I publish the almost complete list of participants who will probably be announced tomorrow night on the RaiUno live broadcast and also the name of the winner”, writes Gabriele Ansaloni in art. Red Ronnie reciting thelist of big names that he thinks are in the cast of the second party of Amadeo: “Arisa, Malika, Annalisa, Joe Evan, Comacose, Maneskin, Peyote, Achille Lauro, Renga, Gazzè, Fedez with Michelin, Colapesce with Dimartino, Fuminacci, Gaia, Noemi, Bugo, Leo Gassmann and Social State. 4 and some are missing of these at the last minute could jump to make room for someone else. It depends on the many ongoing pressures, “writes the presenter and contributor to Optima Italia’s OM Optimagazine. A list in its own surprising way: Fedez’s presence is staggering, but also Bugo’s while Morgan seems to have been left out. “And the winner? They would like to let you win Achille Lauro. Amen ”, is the gloss of Red Ronnie who in the past had strongly criticized the Roman singer-songwriter for the content of his songs.