San Gennaro, the voices and faces of the people of Naples: “Yellow face, deliver us from the virus”


Gathered in prayer on people of San Gennaro that already yesterday began to invoke the protection of the patron saint of Naples. All united in the sign of faith and hope of a prodigy that this year acquires a truly special meaning. That of the redemption and “liberation” of the coronavirus that, for seven months, has brought millions of people around the world to their knees.

«Saint Gennaro must take care of him – say the faithful with confidence – because only he can help us at this moment. He has intervened in even more difficult times in the past and now we ask of him for a new miracle. Their proximity, as evidenced by the liquefied blood, is already a sign of tranquility and hope. But now all the Neapolitan people ask him for closeness and protection, for those who still suffer or have suffered this terrible pandemic.

A danger that affects everyone and that has brought hundreds of people out of the cathedral. United in prayer and in silence in front of the images of the saint’s blood dissolved in the early hours of the morning.

«Once again the yellow face did not make us wait – they are still outside the cathedral – Our patron did not abandon us and will support us in this difficult moment. This prodigy, never like now, unites us all. It is not just about us Neapolitans, the faithful around the world have been looking forward to this moment. We all need to feel it close. San Gennaro is our symbol and our protection against evil. That is why we will continue to pray to ask him to free us from the virus as soon as possible.

