NAPLES. San Gennaro’s blood has not been liquefied. The prodigy is scheduled for today, December 16, the last of the three dates on which it is traditionally repeated. The abbot of the Chapel of San Gennaro of the Cathedral of Naples, Monsignor Vincenzo De Gregorio, announced it at the end of the mass celebrated at 9 o’clock at the altar of the Cathedral: “When we took the reliquary out of the safe – explained the abbot – the blood was absolutely solid and remains absolutely solid ‘.
At 9 am, the abbot of the Chapel of San Gennaro, Monsignor De Gregorio, took the reliquary with the blood of the Patron Saint from the safe of the Chapel and took it to the main altar of the Cathedral for the celebration of mass. The locket will be returned to the Chapel at 12 o’clock to resume again at 4.30 p.m. Mass will be celebrated at 6.30 pm, in the hope that the faithful will finally receive the announcement of the miracle on that occasion.
The December event is called “secular miracle” because it takes place in the chapel of San Gennaro, administered by the Diputación de San Gennaro, a secular institution founded on January 13, 1527 by vote of the city and presided over by the mayor of Naples. . This year, however, the celebrations take place at the main altar of the Cathedral in order to guarantee the necessary space provided by anti-Covid regulations, which is difficult to guarantee inside the chapel.