Salvini’s letter accusing the government of the secret coronavirus plan


Matteo Salvini today writes a letter to Corriere della Sera in which he talks about the secret plan for the coronavirus emergency and goes to the attack of the Conte government, which according to him would have hidden the most alarming elements about the epidemic and the effects of Covid-19 .

Letter from Salvini accusing the government of managing the coronavirus emergency

“At Palazzo Chigi they had alarming elements about the consequences of the Covid in our country, but the prime minister assumed the enormous responsibility of not officially sharing information even with the presidents of the region,” begins the leader of the League. “Worse: a few days later, the government delivered 18 tons of dresses and masks to China – with an enthusiastic Farnesina press release – and on February 21 the prime minister assured that” everything is under control. “We know how it ended: Dramatic shortage of gloves, gowns, masks and respirators that in the emergency phase was the task of the central government to find, not of the individual regions, “he adds. For the Captain,” it is now established that the Scientific Technical Committee had suggested closing the municipalities of the Bergamo area with red zones, so much so that they sent the army from Rome to shield Nembro and Alzano Lombardo, but then Palazzo Chigi decided otherwise, also ignoring another suggestion of the experts is a less rigid closure in some areas of the country than a total closure “.

The government can no longer remain silent: we will ask to inform Parliament. Given that the executive had a confidential study on the effects of the virus, why did he not share the information with other institutional interlocutors? Why didn’t you immediately find masks, gowns, and respirators, but instead shipped tons of them to China? Why did you ignore CTS’s suggestions for red zones? Why on February 21 did the premier say “everything is under control”?

According to Salvini, it is curious that the government is silent after the publication of the minutes of the Scientific Technical Committee on the Civil Protection website. And that those who have claimed to occupy the media scene of the emergency with unified social networks and networks in Big Brother mode – also to launch unacceptable attacks on the opposition – now “opt for absolute silence. Escape. Ambiguity.” For this reason, the center-right opposition leader asks the prime minister to come and report to parliament:

The government must explain to Parliament and the entire country why it has kept silent about the risks of the virus and has faced the emergency with dramatic superficiality. He owes it to Italians, to those who have suffered, to those who are gone, to their families.

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