In the last hours, the leader of the Lega Matteo Salvini has stood out for two long-distance controversies, which are worth analyzing. The first is with the Minister of Education Azzolina, whom Salvini wants to remove from office through a motion of censure that will be submitted to a vote in Parliament. The second is with the mayor of Benevento Clemente Mastella, after a demonstration held in that city with the leader of the League present in the square without a mask.
We talk about it because the two situations (very different from each other and not at all connected), however, are very representative of the “political” condition in which the “Captain” finds himself for a few months, let’s say since the fall of last year. .
Let’s start with the motion of censure against Azzolina, which will obtain (according to tradition) a single tangible result, that of compacting the government majority (although it is crossed by strong complaints towards the minister, especially from the Nazarene), even if only for the fact that Conte, Di Maio, Zingaretti and Renzi are certainly gearing up for a shakeup, but they’re certainly not willing to let Salvini dictate it.
As for Mastella (old political sea lion, experienced and unsinkable sailor) it is clear that the mayor of Benevento is the one who wins the controversy, who can proudly boast of it.
In other words, Salvini seems to be looking for a space, a role, a mission for himself and for his party, an objective that suddenly seems to become difficult.
It must be said that a lot has changed from the 2019 season to Papeete.
Salvini is no longer in the government (and we must not forget that as minister he obtained the spectacular success of the Europeans for the League, taking his political movement to the stratospheric result of 34%, a bit like Renzi who reached 41% as prime minister in 2014), Conte has reinforced his political role in a marked way, the pandemic has taken oxygen out of the issues dear to the League (immigration at the head), generating a certain climate of trust towards the government that has characterized the last few months and finally, with the Bonaccini’s victory at Emilia Romagna he broke the myth of the Captain’s invincibility (although the challenge was almost impossible).
To all this we must add a very important international aspect, with the decline throughout Europe of sovereign instances, of which the election of Ursula von der Leyen as EU leader is a milestone (as well as the first concrete convergence between M5S and PD).
Here then is the condition of Salvini today, a character in search of an author.
Let me be clear, there is no reason to get married at this point.
The former interior minister in recent years has made a true masterpiece, taking a party (December 2013) in disarray, fresh from the worst electoral result in history (4% of the policies of that year) to bring it to flattering. 17% in 2018 (a figure never reached by Bossi), leading the entire coalition to solid successes in regional elections and peaking in last year’s Europeans.
All this by transforming a regional party into the most voted political force in Europe just over a year ago.
So to be clear, numbers in hand, Salvini is a winner with no buts or buts. But now she seems to be navigating a bit without a compass, as her photos on Instagram also show: a little too full of gastronomic references and little inclined to political content.
On the right, however, things of no small importance are happening, including the very “tonic” appearance of the figure of Giorgia Meloni, who could also be the main beneficiary of the regional vote at the end of September (especially in the case of Raffaele Fitto’s victory in Puglia). .
In short, it is a Salvini forced to try to reinvent himself who is preparing for the autumn campaign. There is room, because it will not be easy for PD and M5S to withstand the shock wave of discontent that will grow in the coming months. But we can no longer say with certainty that the Captain will benefit from it, even if it makes no sense to exclude him. Let’s say 1X2, to make a prediction. This may sound Solomonic, but it’s actually already a major change.