Salvini parachutes to conquer Tuscany, the Captain’s latest feat – Time


The electoral campaign in Tuscany is also fought in heaven. Matteo salvini On Thursday he will parachute from 4,500 meters over Arezzo. This is the feat of the leader of the League scheduled for Thursday afternoon, according to “La Nazione”. The league leader with Giovanni galli, former goalkeeper of Fiorentina, Milan and the national team, leader of the Carroccio in the college of the city of Florence, with the deputy of Bergamo Daniele belotti, coordinator of the League in Tuscany, and Senator Tiziana NisiniYou will board a plane and reach high altitude along with a group of expert paratroopers, many of whom are ex-military personnel, and then all launch together. On the ground waiting for Salvini there will be banners and militants and the sky will also be colored with the Northern League in green with smoke bombs.

The flight show, he says, was born almost by chance: the proposal was made by the councilor of Prato Marco Curcio, paratrooper. “Why doesn’t Matteo organize a nice parachute flight?” He said to Salvini. And he did not repeat it twice. “Let’s do it”. Since then, the entire organization of the flight, the team, the choreography has taken off. “We are like that – says Daniele Belotti who has a civilian parachute license – authentic and spontaneous. The electoral campaign in Tuscany was exciting with the seats full and many people asking us for a change. The initiative is beautiful and Matteo is there. they mounted it immediately. People like Salvini like that and he is too comfortable with people even jumping from 4,500 meters. “Who knows if this feat will lead to the victory of the Lega candidate in Tuscany. Susanna ceccardi
