Salvini now “lands” in the United States: alarm signal for Conte


Once upon a time there was the pro-Russian League. It was 2017: Matteo Salvini wore T-shirts representing Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Carroccio made agreements with the Tsar’s party, United Russia. The Metropol investigation into Gianluca Savoini and the alleged Lega funds radically changed the cards on the table: since then Salvini has stopped looking east to concentrate his efforts on Washington: he understood, from his point of view, that without the The support of the United States, Italy, a strategic country for NATO, located in the center of the Mediterranean, cannot be governed. The work of these months of closeness with the Trump administration is bearing fruit and Matteo Salvini has received the consecration abroad that he was waiting for: an interview with the Wall Street Journal, the most authoritative conservative newspaper in the world. The times of Donald Trump’s famous tweet to Giuseppe Conte seem so distant, that on August 27 last year he blessed the birth of the yellow-red government, praising “the highly respected Prime Minister of the Italian Republic, Giuseppi Conte“Man, said Trump,”very talented, which I hope will remain prime minister“.

Salvini praised by the Wall street journal

In the same period, it is not surprising that the Attorney General William Barr and the prosecutor John Durham were received in Rome, in two separate meetings, by the heads of our services in search of some information on the Maltese professor Joseph Mifsud and on the origins of Russiagate. While waiting for the Durham-led investigation to shed light, the impression is that relations between the Trump administration and Giuseppi have cooled and the American conservative world now looks at Matteo Salvini with great interest and esteem. As note FreeSimilar spaces in that newspaper are offered to heads of state and international leaders of great importance, not to characters boiled in the avenue of sunset, as the Italian left and progressive columnists like to paint the secretary of the League. The interviewer praises Salvini’s work: “If in Italy we vote today“writes the conservative newspaper,”polls say Matteo Salvini would be the next prime minister“. And how “immigration hawk“notes the interviewer,”Salvini looks like a more competent version of a certain American politician“.

“I’ve always believed in Trump”

For the leader of the Northern League, it is the golden opportunity to express all his closeness to the administration Triumph e to the tycoon. “I was one of the few Italian politicians who believed in his victory and encouraged him four years ago. I still believe he was a good president and I hope he is re-elected“But perhaps the most important element of the entire interview is represented by the fact that the”some international problems“such as relations with China, Iran and relations with Israel, him and Trump”,have exactly the same opinion“If Matteo Salvini became prime minister, indeed,”Jerusalem would be recognized by my government as the capital of Israel“and relations with China and Iran, strategic adversaries of the US, would even be”discontinued“.

Salvini promises a clear change of course also in 5g, as requested at the time by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. And this for Washington, who wins the presidential elections in November, represents a fundamental element. “Sensitive data, no. China that controls Italian data and networks, absolutely not“And this, underlines the Wall street journal, “it would be a notable change, as the current coalition government in Rome has been relatively friendly to BeijingIn short, the new Atlantic League is very popular with Americans: and even if Joe Biden wins the next presidential election, very close to the dem and former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, he could have the necessary support to rule the country in the future. . .
