Salvini ‘hung’ on Instagram: the publication of Fabio Tumminello, PD candidate in Venaria, triggers the storm


And controversy in Venaria, a municipality of 33 thousand inhabitants of the metropolitan area of ​​Turin called to renew the administration. On the Instagram profile of Fabio Tumminello, a practicing lawyer nominated by the Democratic Party for City Council, the words “Salvini hanging” appeared: a photo of spray written on a city wall.

This was denounced by the vice president of the League in the regional council, and secretary of the municipal section of Carroccio, Andrea Cerutti: “The Democratic Party in Venaria – argues – frank individuals who offend and incite violence.”

On Wednesday Matteo Salvini will arrive in the city of the Palace, commenting on the episode: “In Venaria I will talk about school, youth and work, not about threats. We bring ideas and proposals on school, work, on young people, on health, on the elimination of architectural barriers and on supporting families, entrepreneurs, artisans and farmers ”.

“The message ‘Salvini hanging’, transmitted by the young candidate of the Democratic Party, leaves no room for interpretation – underlines Cerutti – and must be strongly condemned by everyone, also and especially by the party to which Tumminello belongs. This type of action – continues the Northern League – has nothing to do with political confrontation. We are sure that the Venariesi do not want to be represented by such characters, capable only of fomenting hatred and riding ignorance because they do not have their own ideas ”.

“Our hope – concludes Cerutti – is that, with Sunday’s vote, this figure can be excluded from the management of public affairs. Our city deserves much more, it deserves a representation worthy of the role it is called upon to fill ”.

Yesterday a post appeared on social networks, published by one of our candidates, Fabio Tumminello, from whom we want to distance ourselves ”. The Democratic Party of Venaria (Turin) thus disassociates itself from the publication on Instagram of the candidate Dem to the administrative offices of the Municipality of Turin. “As the candidate himself specifies – specifies the Pd of Venaria in a note -, the post was intended to be ironic, but the initial irony has instead turned into an unfortunate joke that does not reflect the values ​​of our party that has always been proposed ‘ lower the tone ‘and maintain a level of civil and positive political debate, for the good of our city and its citizens ”.

We apologize, also on behalf of our candidate -the note continues-, to all those who have been offended by this externalization and we are also sure of their good faith, knowing their exuberance, but also their calm and absolutely peaceful character. An error dictated by his young age that he fully recognized and for which he has already declared himself sorry, promptly withdrawing the publication from social networks.
