In Salvini’s trial for the Gregoretti case, Giuseppe Conte wants to be questioned at his home, in Palazzo Chigi.
Summoned more than a month ago for the hearing scheduled for tomorrow morning in the bunker room of the Bicocca prison in Catania, the prime minister informed yesterday to the president of the gup Nunzio Sarpietro that he was not available and wanted to make use of the article of the code of criminal procedure that gives the Prime Minister the right to be heard in Rome.
Gregoretti case, the Salvini trial begins: documents of 140 landings are acquired And on Saturday Conte testifies
by Alessandra Ziniti

Therefore, the gup Sarpietro will now have to schedule a new audience and go to Rome to listen to Giuseppe Conte in one of the rooms of the Palazzo Chigi. On the other hand, the hearing in Catania of Danilo Toninelli, former Minister of Transport, and Elisabetta Trenta, former Minister of Defense, both in office in July 2019, when the Ministry of the Interior blocked 131 migrants in the Gregoretti ship of the Navy moored during a week, confirmed for tomorrow. on the Born dock in Augusta.
Salvini: “The count and the ministers are innocent like me”

Salvini will be present in the classroom tomorrow in Catania. At the end of the hearing he will hold a press conference.