Salvini challenged in Torre del Greco: whistling and throwing tomatoes


Lasted approximately five and a half minutes the intervention of Matteo Salvini in Torre del Greco as part of his electoral tour for the Regionals on September 20 and 21. Whistles, slogans, protests and even the throwing of tomatoes welcomed his words on stage, installed in the area between Via Roma and Corso Vittorio Emanuele closed to traffic. “Whoever throws tomatoes, insults and threats does not protest, he is uncivilized,” said the leader of the League at the end of his speech. “I will meet the decent people again, which are the majority of the peaceful, calm and hardworking people of this city,” he added. «I thank the ladies – he later wanted to underline by speaking of some women who paid homage to him at the end of the meeting – who filled me with affection and gave me back the Rosary that they tore from my neck the day before yesterday. I just take away the beauty of this city: those who shout are not involved in politics, they just make a mess.

The leader of the League, after having been in Pompeii, also had to visit the Largo Santissimo market areas and walk along the Via Salvator Noto, but the environmental conditions: a procession of at least a hundred protesters had also been organized from Piazza Santa Croce. – advised those responsible for the order service aim directly at the roundabout where local activists were already present.

September 11, 2020 (change September 11, 2020 | 14:32)

