Salvini attacks: “A piece of FI thinks about playing”. Tajani: “We are still in opposition.” And three Azzurri go to the League


Matteo salvinI am going to the Forza Italia attack after Berlusconi’s opening to the government to collaborate in economic measures. “My relationships with Forza Italia? I am interested in relationships with Italians. The appeal of Mattarella is to collaboration, not to entanglements and reorganizations. It seems to me that for Pd, M5S, Renzi and also for some pieces of Forza Italia he is speaking of places, not of things to do. Parliament, on the other hand, has been busy for 15 days in the cancellation of the security decrees. Is this the priority of the country? “, urges the leader of the League to Rtl 102.5 .

The bottom

Berlusconi closer to the Giallorossi and furious with Salvini: “Now he has declared war on us”

by Carmelo Lopapa

Salvini did not like the willingness of the opposition offered by Silvio Berlusconi to put himself at the service of the country and the call made to the government to collaborate at such a delicate moment. For the leader of the Northern League, therefore, “there is a certain ambiguity. The head of state asks us to collaborate, but I read about electoral law, about companies. But Mediaset does not need help, and I do not want to think about exchanges, of course That’s right, people ask the center-right to collaborate, to propose, to solve, we have presented a mega VAT reduction of 20 billion.

Responds the vice president of Forza Italia, Antonio Tajani: “Forza Italia is and will continue to be in opposition. It is not a mess to try to get concrete proposals to be approved to protect workers, companies, families and the self-employed. And to guarantee the health of Italians using the 37 billion of the Month. Sense and sense of responsibility to protect the rights of citizens, “he writes on Twitter.

Meanwhile, in the center-right, three azzurri have decided to move to the parliamentary group of the League. It’s all three deputies Forza Italia in the Chamber, Laura ravetto, former undersecretary of the Berlusconi government, Federica Zanella me Maurizio Carrara.

Luigi Di Mayinstead closes the entry of Forza Italia to the government and publishes on Facebook an old article in the Morning when Silvio Berlusconi called him on the phone and refused: “It was like that then, it is like that today,” says the chancellor. In addition, from the press office of the head of the Farnesina, they specify that the former prime minister has not looked for Di in recent days. May, but the position of minister leaves no doubt about the perimeter of the government that the M5S seeks.
