After the results of the Regionals and the Municipalities, the first reflection is that “we must expand. Now our eyes are on the elections to be held next spring in the main Italian cities, from Milan to Rome, from Naples to Turin ”. The secretary of the Lega Matteo Salvini says so in an interview with “Il Corriere della Sera”.
“The limits of our political perimeter must be expanded by involving businessmen and professionals. I have a precise model in my head – he explains – that of the Marks. Where the center-right has won after 50 years and the League has become the first party in the Diputación ”. Salvini wants “a League more present in worlds outside politics” and in capitals.
With Giorgetti “we had a nice chat”. Together they will meet next week “our MEPs because there are important dossiers on the table where we want to put our weight”. Salvini does not consider Giorgetti an antagonist: “They are a journalistic hype. I respect him a lot and, like Zaia, I often compare myself to him ”. It is clear that “sooner or later we will return to the government and by then we will have to have strong European alliances. We are working on it ”, confidentially“ there are conversations at high levels ”. Although “it is not clear where the PPE will go. If he goes to the left I don’t care, if he moves to Orban’s positions I will start the dialogue.
The center-right must “listen and involve. In the game of the big cities we want to win everywhere ”. For Salvini there is the “need for a liberal revolution. We need to release energy, exploit the potential of the Italians. And I do not claim to be alone in this endeavor. I am also working with FI ”. Reforming the security decrees ”was a mistake, a dangerous step backwards because hope is restored to 80% of asylum seekers who do not flee from any war. We will go back to the business of illegal immigration ”. In times of government viruses “it would be more appropriate to build, but these are held together only by antisalvinism,” he concludes.